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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. Mike Nolan said as much on the Tony Bruno show this morning.
  2. I heard this morning that the Colts are also in the process of signing Freeney to an extension. That will cost 'em.
  3. Anything with Lost, 24, or American Idol in the topic line.
  4. Have you guys seen the Hooters Casino story yet?
  5. After reading about the ferry boat sinking in the Red Sea this morning I can’t help but think that this was an act of God and that he is punishing Muslims for something. I’m not sure if I can point a finger at any one thing in particular, but maybe recent events in the Middle East have been irritating Him for a while and He finally felt He had no other option than to send the Muslims a message to relax a little. I can understand why He’d be pissed about all of this “wipe Israel off the map” talk, as the Bible tells us that the Jews are His chosen people. I interpret that as a no-brainer for folks to not mess with Israel unless of course they like to inflict pain upon themselves. I’m also under the impression that this ridiculous Cartoongate has got Him shaking His head saying, “what a bunch of drama queens. It’s a cartoon for crying out loud, and if you can’t laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?” I’m sure that He wasn’t thrilled with the Hamas victory last week, but I don’t think that event alone was enough for Him to act in such a manner. I think things must have been building up to this and He finally snapped this morning and acted out. It’s a shame when innocent people die, but every time that Allah gets pissed at us infidels He flies planes into our skyscrapers, or blows up one of our space shuttles that is returning an Israeli astronaut back to Earth, or He blows up a bus or café or anything else he can find in the city of Jerusalem. Every time something like this happens the leaders in the Islamic world are all too eager to point out to us that Allah had acted against the infidels once again. Praise be to Allah. As ridiculous as this post is (that I hope no one will take seriously), I just wonder when it will all end...
  6. Laughing my ass off. Nice comeback.
  7. I can't believe you didn't encourage the lad to continue with his conservative bashing tirade: I'm impressed T-buddy.
  8. Costco's got it for $95.00 a bottle, so I scored on for New Years. Very good, but I liked the Platinum better.
  9. Platinum is the real deal.
  10. Yes I did dumbass. Why do you think I made my dumbass comment, dumbass?
  11. The WNBA could use a few more criminals. Right on.
  12. That's exactly why I'm not watching it. Last year was like a friggin HS basketball game.
  13. Have you seen the documentary they made about the STS-107 crew? I guess Brown was an amateur filmmaker and took hours and hours of film that he was going to piece together into a movie, but unfortunately was never given the chance to. It was really well done and I highly recommend it to anyone. space.com article
  14. Is it as bad as having anal bifida?
  15. I am so offended by this.
  16. When the dude finally returns to work you need to score one of those rainbow 'hey look I'm queer' stickers and put it on his car.
  17. I'll keep that in mind the next time I order one of those pear/fig/onion pizzas. Gag.
  18. I'm a dickhead, that's for sure, and that's not going to change. The thing that gets me is that your post sat there for over an hour with a few hits and zero responses. Sorry man, but I saw it and posted the first thing that came to my mind, and BAM, here come the 'higher ground' posts almost immediately. Beerball was the only one to respond to the spirit of your post, the others were just taking shots at me for kicks I guess. I guess they are just better men than me... not really, because Pete is a loser. But whatever. It's not like I'm not pulling for Mera or anything, I was just kind of curious as to where all of this was going. You're right though, don't take your kids for granted. Hell, I'd take it a few steps further to say that you shouldn't take anyone in you life for granted, beit a parent, friend, spouse, relative, child, etc. Out of respect, I'm out of your threads. Sorry and best wishes.
  19. And where were you in the update thread? Just curious.
  20. So how many threads do you plan to start about the same topic? Just curious.
  21. Yeah, I mean why would that guy come here when he can stay there and choke year after year after year? It's just as much part of his legacy as it is Manning's and Dungy's.
  22. I saw the quotes and knew it had to be a reference to something, it's just that I'm not up on my movies or wherever this came from. All good fun on a Friday.
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