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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. It will be really neat if this turns out to be true.
  2. Where are your seats located? Are they closer to 3 or 1?
  3. Get a life.
  4. You just had to go there, didn't you? I'm laughing my ass off, so thank you for going there.
  5. This is too much. Why not just have Batman and Robin come out and announce that they are card carrying members MBLA as well?
  6. When you sight it in, clean the barrel often and let the barrel cool between shots. You want that rifle to fire dead nuts on for that first shot in the field.
  7. That's pretty ballsy for someone who lives damn near on top of the San Andreas Fault.
  8. I don't watch a whole lot of TV, but is that the Weber Q?
  9. He's a pedantic supercilious anal orifice.
  10. When you guys posted those pics with SDS and R. Rich, I sent Paul a PM saying that I thought it was cool that he was still wearing his wedding ring. He responded, "I've never taken it off." The next morning he sent another PM saying, "She's my wife."
  11. Later bro. It won't be the same around here anymore.
  12. Congrats, the .30-06 is a great all-around cartridge. As far as ammo goes, I would look on Cabelas or Bass Pro Shops and try out one of the premium grade cartriges. I used to shoot Federal Premium because that particular round is loaded with the Nosler Partition bullet, but I have since changed to the Winchester Ballistic Silver Tips. I would recommend a 180 grain bullet for Mule Deer, but you could get away with a 165 grain bullet if you like. You might want to take that Bushnell scope off and replace it with something a little bit better. Again, check out Cabelas and Bass Pro Shops and see what fits your budget. It isn't uncommon to spend as much, if not more for your optics as you spend on the rifle itself.
  13. I know a lot of people who follow the Sharks, but they just doen't strike me as hockey fans. You know what I mean?
  14. You guys really do hate Moulds, don't you? TD's best move was one of his very first and that was re-signing Moulds way back when.
  15. I would say !@#$ it and cruise around the office with a camel pack or a Daniel Boone type canteen or something.
  16. Do people tailgate for hockey games?
  17. If any of you PPP rocket scientists are looking for work, holla at me with a PM. -Jamhead
  18. I think it's justified stealing to be honest with you. Porn should be free for everyone and not solely available to those folks who can afford huge cable bills.
  19. What's wrong with this?
  20. It's internet geek (look at the geek who typed it) lingo for 'owned'. I think.
  21. I have no idea. I don't pay attention to any of this crap either.
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