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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. I'm not a baseball fan by any means, but I really do like that dude. This sucks.
  2. Not to sound fake or anything, but... Happy Birthday.
  3. You can't even deal with ieatcrayonz, so how the hell would you know how we should approach a global conflict?
  4. ieatcrayonz is reading it as we speak and I'm eagerly anticipating his comments.
  5. Would you wear a vial of her blood around your neck?
  6. All points well taken KtFaBD. I'm pissed at her mis-representation of the facts given the forum that AC 360 gives her. Whether she should be given that forum or not is not up to me. However, it's one thing to promote your pet issue when given the opportunity, but please don't distort the facts. Why do I care? Because the folks who watch 360 are more inclined to take waht she has to say for gospel rather than research the facts. I take exception to that. That's all I'm getting at. You make a hell of a lot of sense, but I don't think the American Idol crowd would understand.
  7. This link should work...
  8. Canada: No sex please until we're 16. Sorry perverts.
  9. Way cool. Congrats.
  10. She's still full of shi+. This changes nothing.
  11. Maybe because she is full of shi+ on this one. Nevermind the facts though.
  12. Breathe.... That's it. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. All better now?
  13. Mickey?
  14. Angelina Jolie criticizes Iraq war and US priorities 2003 State of the Union Breakdown of PEPFAR by the Brits. I guess it's just $15B for the drug companies after all.
  15. How good is your Spanish?
  16. I don't know about you guys, but I am looking forward to summer recess more this year than I ever have before. Great post by the way.
  17. Man driving with wife's head causes crash
  18. From what I have read recently, Christopher Dodd will throw his hat into the ring and Bill Richardson probably will as well.
  19. More arrogance. Sorry pervs, no gratuitous bimbo pic in this one...
  20. You are such an a$$. But at the same time, you are soooo correct, and right on the money.
  21. Talk about the mother of all deterrents. That place will be stone sober.
  22. I've slept through many-a-Saturday-Busch-race myself. Let's just say that I understand...
  23. For as crazy as the layout is there, I would have to say that those seats are probably perfect. You'll be kind of inbetween both turns and have a good angle as they come out of the tunnel turn and cruise down the short chute into three. I've never been there, so I'm only guessing here, but I think you're all set up. What row are the seats in? I forgot to ask earlier. Have fun and let us know on Monday how it all went.
  24. Wrong A-hole in your title, the idiot who rushed to Wiki got it wrong.
  25. That's killer man, thanks for the info. I'm stuck here at work with only the web. You made my friggin night man. Thanks.
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