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Everything posted by wnysteel

  1. pretty sure that's something in the trout/salmon family, not pike. but none of those species gets to 5' long. muskie, maybe. but that's definitely not a muskie and would be close to record size if it was. the only great lakes species that gets that long is sturgeon, and this isn't that. not trying to call you out, but i don't think that's a 5' long fish. maybe 3-3.5. too bad just the same, even a 40" steelhead trout is a fantastic specimen!
  2. i saw one of these last night at TPA (tampa) airport. big plane with no windows and amazon logo on it.
  3. my name is Gord, but I'm not Canadian
  4. read the very bottom of the website....this is just The Onion with a twisted spin World News Daily Report assumes all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature of their content. All characters appearing in the articles in this website – even those based on real people – are entirely fictional and any resemblance between them and any person, living, dead or undead, is purely a miracle.
  5. ^^ this. amazing amount of stars in that show
  6. i've been watching the show for sometime now, i don't think they are going to find anything (apart from enough minor tantalizing evidence to keep people tuning back in). i think if there ever was anything there of value ( a big IF), it was already discovered and removed but just not documented, by previous searchers. in terms of funding, i've been saying for years the brothers may have started using their own funds, but the vast majority has been underwritten by History channel in the last few seasons. (my opinion)
  7. getting ready to do taxes for GF. (i have mine done as i'm a bit more complicated). she's pretty straightforward, standard deduction, no dependents, no 1099 or other income (just W2). just need federal and NYS. i've used tax cut (online) in the past. would like to submit electronically of course. just wondering what other's experiences are. seems like there are plenty of free ones now. input appreciated.
  8. very clever.
  9. Dennision was relieved of duty as offensive coordinator after thinking that bubble screens to Mike Tolbert were a good idea. Dennison also thought it was a good idea to try a screen pass to the fullback Patrick DiMarco on 1st and 10, on an important second half drive in a week 16 game against the Patriots. Predictably, the play went for an 8 yard loss.
  10. we have 6 tickets, purchased last night. was already going to be in tampa for getaway, making the drive cross-state to see the game with a few others that are regulars on this board.
  11. Foxx has gone pretty quiet....
  12. so you are now recommending against BTC? interesting. you were the biggest advocate on here.
  13. Coinbase posted on their blog that they are investigating reports of insider trading of BCH from their internal staff. if this turns out to be true, i have to imagine this will reduce the public's trust in them (#1 app in the app store now FYI).
  14. what if the Bills' players made snowballs and then threw them at Vinateri as he was kicking? Aimed for helmet so he couldn't see. Really, would that be against the rules?
  15. i wonder what effect the new futures market will have on btc.
  16. did my research, made a token investment last week and committed to more today. i'm in it for the long haul.
  17. sabres aren't losing in the last minute. they fall behind in the first period and then fall asleep
  18. the leodis game was worst for me, because it was on national TV and was like having yourself get fed feet-first into a chipper/shredder. you knew what was happening, could feel the pain, and were powerless to stop it. however, the 1998 "just give it him" game is a very close second. (credit bills NC fan for the link)
  19. I'm a big believer in DIY...but hell no in this situtation
  20. not to be pedantic....but according to the national weather service today, Sunday's forecast is now Partly sunny, with a high near 45. i'll update this daily...because i am that guy.
  21. i don't trust the weather 3 days in advance here, much less a week (almost 50 years as a life-long WNYer here). you can bet that the forecast will change every day between now and Sunday and 46 and sunny is very unlikely.
  22. been following this for some time. the anova is on sale right now for $95 on amazon. https://smile.amazon.com/Anova-Culinary-Precision-Bluetooth-Circulator/dp/B00UKPBXM4/ref=sr_1_4?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1511199377&sr=1-4&keywords=anova
  23. love venison, but i don't hunt so i rely on friends to give me extra.
  24. a notice will pop up on your phone after plugging into computer (drag down from the top to access it). Move files by USB Unlock your Android device. With a USB cable, connect your device to your computer. On your device, tap the "USB for..." notification. Select Transfer files. A file transfer window will open on your computer. Use it to drag files. When you're done, eject your device from Windows. Unplug the USB cable.
  25. 27/41, 240 yards, 1 TD, 2 INT. Bills lose a close one but everyone is optimistic for the future of NP
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