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Everything posted by wnysteel

  1. i would hate it. because fantasy football
  2. big steelhead guy here, love the Erie tribs. following...
  3. I wonder how much "team psyche" played into this. I get the impression the rest of the team wants Allen to play/start. I expect a much better overall performance (all 3 phases) from the team this week. Probably won't translate into a win, but should be much closer than last week.
  4. i sometimes skip Friday ("casual Friday"!) but generally every work (week) day. usually once on the weekend also, otherwise the monday shave is brutal from 2+ days growth.
  5. last year, i said the Bills were tanking and would finish 4-12 (after the trades of watkins and darby).
  6. 100% true, and it was 1976 (not 1977) https://books.google.com/books?id=7UIDAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA8&lpg=PA8&dq=buffalo+city+hall+suicide&source=bl&ots=NLi71VlLBu&sig=9BfOPRHuob_o8MNkF7dfBUGuo34&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiL64nu4uLcAhVlS98KHd3tAEkQ6AEwF3oECAgQAQ#v=onepage&q=buffalo city hall suicide&f=false https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/buffalo-city-hall
  7. no Benjamin? in either year?
  8. love the show. watched from the beginning, and agree this is the best season. the last season with 2 people, i doubt they will ever do again.
  9. a real answer before you go the expensive data recovery option. stick the hard drive in sealed bag, then the freezer for a bit, then pull it out, stick it in the computer and try to boot it up. if it boots, immediately make a copy of the Excel file. and anything else. N.B.: you could make the situation worse. However, I have seen this work before. And it will only work on older hard drives (think 5+ years). https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/112050/recovering-data-from-a-damaged-hard-drive-the-freezer-trick
  10. you can donate to the victim for plastic surgery. and see a graphic image of a bitten nose at the same time. https://www.gofundme.com/assault-victim-needs-srugery
  11. who was the player that fumbled against the *Pats in the prime time game? we led most of the game, the *Pats scored and kicked off, he hesitated and then left the end zone, where the *Pats promptly held him while others stripped the ball. i thought it was McKelvin. of course we end up losing. anyway, that moment for me. especially since it was prime time and a key *Pats' player was just coming back (Tedy Bruschi I think) and the cameras kept showing close-ups of him.
  12. any list that doesn't include this is a fail.
  13. indeed, i know this but a lot of people don't catch it. they go into other lane, speeding and right through the stop sign. the video is pure gold on so many levels.
  14. thanks for sharing. very cool
  15. this list is not complete without Bubb Rubb. "that's only in the morning, when we're cooking breakfast" my favorite.
  16. here are my thoughts in no particular order. a few have already been suggested Turn Gate 1 back into general entry. no need to have a huge gate dedicated for a few dozen (or even hundreds) of press just to force thousands of fans elsewhere More local beers (hamburg, 12 gates, flying bison, big ditch etc) more water fountains (see Denver game last year) sitting only sections (i don't want to stand for 3 hours either) expand the Tops family section more (free) family-oriented pre-game activities. flag football, street hockey, etc. have it outdoors and not in the field house\ maybe not totally eliminate the train horn (it doesn't bother me as much as others) but definitely more judicious use of it show more meaningful (to us) NFL highlights during breaks (they will show a CHI/MIN highlight when the *pats and dolphins are playing) better WiFi!! actually the coverage is fine but sooo sloooow when attached. they need to increase back-end bandwidth.
  17. the answer is always 1) reboot. if that doesn't work, (advanced lesson here) 2) pull the power cord and wait 5 minutes EDIT: all kidding aside, thanks for all you do. i work in IT (infrastructure, not coding) and no one appreciates anything until it's broke. thank you.
  18. Is there any update on Incognito? Was he released from the psychiatric hold? nothing in google. he hasn't tweeted in over a month and his twiiter still has Bills pics on it. just wondering what the update is...
  19. been trying to decide on what to get for my next tattoo. got it now!
  20. she's good from afar...but far from good
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