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Everything posted by Luvbills

  1. Yes every Sunday or whenever the Bills are on I miss my dad who died in January 2020 thankfully before Covid. We were able to spend his last nine days with him in the hospital. He was a huge bills fan and season-ticket holder and an even bigger Boston Red Sox fan. I like to think that he and Tim Russert up there cheering on our Bills this year. I really miss him while I watch Survivor because we would text during it.
  2. You're not immune until at least 3-4 weeks after the second shot. So yes...
  3. I missed what he exactly said about Toronto?
  4. Any word on Tre White's injury?
  5. They emailed me this back on 1/30/2020 There’s nothing you need to do. Just keep enjoying your DIRECTV and you’ll get to see every tackle and touchdown next season, starting September 13, 2020.
  6. Yes...got it over two months ago also
  7. TMZ reporting he was on his way to his daughter's BBall practice..Gianna...and she was on board.
  8. No...Kim Pegula is adopted. They have 3 children together and he has two others from a first marriage.
  9. He's a huge supporter of Hunter's Hope also. He has attended a couple of the Galas over the years.
  10. You can hear his forearm shatter.
  11. It came on in some markets...not others. At least that's what the person at DTV told me last night. She also told me it would be on in all markets shortly..pretty sure that was a lie
  12. Didn't he start the following week against pittsburgh?
  13. In the stands...we were going to leave at the end of the 3rd quarter (took us an extra 45 mins to get there from the Batavia area due to black ice)...we of course then stayed. I have my used/ripped ticket to prove I was there...
  14. I call bull **** that he actually bet that way.
  15. If you're so inclined to help out this family https://helpinghandsawo.org/projects/loving-support-for-the-kabel-family/
  16. Not sure of what Matt Kabel's screen name is here...but he and Matt Soreco founded and run that Bills club. Matt Kabel's daughter...Sally..passed away today from Leukemia. Sally was diagnosed on 2013. They have a Facebook page..Sweet Sally Sunshine...where you can leave them a note. Matt is originally from Orchard Park. Fly high sweet girl..
  17. For some reason I also have it today...is it free for anyone who doesn't have it this weekend??
  18. Nick was an amazing young man our family had the privilege of knowing. My nephew (#33 in that youtube video) played ball with Nick at AU. We are saddened as a family at this loss. Always enjoyed hanging out with him and his family after the games. May he RIP.
  19. Check out .http://tealtravel.com/sport-tours Chuck has a trip planned to Green Bay...kind of pricy though.
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