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Everything posted by Sharky7337

  1. I'm all for free speech and expressing yourself but honestly this is just a sign of the times. Race card gets played all the time, whenever possible. Is there issues? Yes certainly. Funny thing is my first encounter with racism was being called a slur for white people and not the other way around, and I was a kid. The part that is wrong to me, is that the people and governments pay for these ridiculous stadiums, every time a team threatens. Which makes the owners a ton of money, which in turn allows the players to make tons of money. He has aright to make a statement, but it's a slap in the face the country as a whole. People have lost class. They're too busy ignoring everything that's going on in our country that people have sacrificed their lives for just so they can have their comfortable day to day lives, while we lose our freedoms and the politicians line their pockets. Because "I don't care about the national anthem" type of attitude, "I'm too busy having to go to home depot" culture we have now. And then get blinded by the distractions fueled by media every night. Instead of not standing up why doesn't he really do something with all those millions he made and really make a difference in the country that made him successful and rich at the sacrifice of people that did care. He has a charity for birth defects. Good for him. If this was such an issue, why doesn't he do something for this? How many millions has he given to make equality more attainable? And how about examples like Dwayne Wade's sister who got shot in Chicago for no reason. Let's not talk about that. That must be the government / country doing that. Let's ignore us killing each other and all other types of people, such a double standard. The biggest problem is the culture that perpetuates the ignorance, tries to take advantage of it, and instead of improving and working hard, cries racism instead when things don't go their way. I didn't get any scholarships cause I wasn't a minority, even though i had one parent and was dirt poor. I got passed up for jobs I scored higher on tests because of my skin color. I bought my school clothes at the salvation army. I got harassed by law enforcement when i was up to no good. Give me a break.
  2. That's what just happened to the Jets today. I hate hearing Rex say this team kept fighting yada yada.... But after a disappointing season it's nice to be on the other side of this situation for once
  3. Well if I can help you in any way let me know. I worked as a sys admin and currently work for Cisco I went to RIT. Granted I haven't done it for twenty years but I know 8 or so programming languages and and all the server platforms and a lot of networking so if there's anything I can do to help I'm more then willing.
  4. Well the back end database change will change past posts however it is probably auto generated as a service running so until u restart the service changes may not be reflected from the database.
  5. If someone is port scanning and syn flooding the IP's make sure u set the firewall to not respond on any unecessary ports. I know that might already be done or be obvious. But for what it's worth. Are you renting a server? is there any hardware security or software firewalls etc?
  6. Id get excited but almost everytime we get a good player they leave on their first chance.
  7. Wow. just Wow. great ball security. Well here goes this game.
  8. Hahahaha.... Man after making the walk of shame on the school bus four years in a row to be surrounded by giants, redskins, and cowboy jerseys, I'd like a little bit of a bone
  9. Before we deserve or get some respect. I love how the last few things I've seen by peter king, NFL network all highlight the afc east and their games this weekend. But they always leave out the Bills like theirs only three teams in the division. Do I expect us to beat the saints this weekend? Not really. However why is it so unthinkable that we could? The patriots beat them, and we had that game till the end. We beat Carolina who everyone is singing their praises now... We beat Baltimore... We barely lost to the jets... and the Browns... We beat the Darling choice of the off season in Miami..... I know we need to show some post season possibility and consistency before we get more honorable mention. However, for having been devastated by injuries, and starting a 4th string (counting Kolb) and still being competitive, easily could have won the games we lost as well, it just kinda seems..... well..... lopsided. Even on the sunday night recap of the games, The bills dolphins game was the only one they didn't recap....... Some coverage.....
  10. LOL. Do any of you actually know him personally? ...... I waited on him everyday for lunch at restaraunt 2Vine in Rochester. First off the guy is a complete D bag. He wouldn't even talk to me. Look at me. Anything. He would always give me the same nasty look when he was finally ready to leave......After he played games with picking up and putting down the check book a million times over just to make me feel like an idiot. O and god forbid I tried to ask him anything or do my job. And oh yeah, watch him guzzle a million refills of iced tea with his nasty scowl. Second off the son of a b---- is cheap. And I mean cheap. Mr. Billionaire never tipped a penny over. Not once. And always ordered the cheapest thing on the menu while sitting with his plastic surgery enhanced real estate aquaintance. I don't expect anything more then what good service would be, but the psychological torture of seeing him everyday for his chicken cutlet lunch was not worth the belittlement and my 4 dollar tip. He actually bought a couch from my ex too when she was working at Ruby Gordon. Guess what? cheapest couch in the store... lol 700 bucks. That stuff wouldn't bother me if he wasn't a total jerk to everyone around him. People always cringed when he came in to eat and for some reason I became his favorite person to have wait on him. His reputation as "Someone who didn't come from money, made himself rich, and was still a D Bag to the common folk, AND was cheap " after the fact was well known. I saw it first hand everyday. You expected that crap from the entitled born into money people. But from an average joe who became the american dream, you thought he might have an ounce of empathy. Now the Tampa bay bucs owner/Manchester united owner, that guy was cool as hell. Smart businuess guy. Great philanthropist. Piss Poor cheap human.
  11. I'm still not sold on EJ. I like his composure and leadership, however his play has not made me say at any point, "Wow finally here's our guy!". The biggest problem for the bills since the last time we had success was the QB position. I think If you have a shot at a quality player you take it. For instance san diego when they had brees / rivers. Until EJ shows me a "WOW" performance, which he has yet to do, I say you keep trying because the nfl is a QB driven league. I think whats more insane is going 15 years without a franchise QB.
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