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Everything posted by Sharky7337

  1. When you build a new stadium it comes with home field advantage zebras apparently.
  2. My favorite comment so far was " if your overthrowing rugs, then you're doing something!" hahahah verbal vommit
  3. It surprises me people feel this way. The book on josh was he couldn't pass so defenses played to stop the run and dare us to pass. As his passing continues - if they show they can keep this up - defenses will play more honest and running will open up.
  4. Na he pushed off. It wasn't as bad but it was still a push off
  5. Collinsworth is such a homer. Rooting for cowboys saying PI was wrong 😕
  6. You need to go get your head checked no offense. Average starting wage at lowes is 13.00 an hour. Can you afford to live off that? My actions? What are you smoking dude. Do yourself a favor and give it up.
  7. Honestly I made a statement about how some people feel about the bills virtue signaling using him as an example. We don't need guys who make more money in one year then most of us in a lifetime telling us how bad they have it.(pro athletes, CEOs, Michelle obama) Whatever your bromance with this dude is between you guys.
  8. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvin_Ellison Ya sure seems like his employment history has been full of struggles. My point is that some people are just sick of all this BS media fueled crap to win an election while million aires and people with houses in Martha's vineyard tell us we are all horrible and our country is so horrible right now all of a sudden. Just like these NFL players and pro athletes.
  9. The ceo who makes 10000x the necessary income while his employees suffer and get sh*t wages and poor quality of life is the guy to tell us how evil we all are. Thats ironic.
  10. All he has to do is put sahving cream on it and buff it off when it dries. Won't hold the moisture from the hotdog breath
  11. I did the same dumb crap that most people in any video do, and that is not complying with a order from the cop. He told me I was being detained for "failure to disperse" and I have not looked if that is an actual law or he was full of crap. But the main problem lies in the culture being taught to today's youth that you can do whatever you want with no reprocessing and that is just not accurate. Now there are bad cops and people that abuse that power no doubt.
  12. You didn't watch mine and instantly posted another so ?
  13. We started talking about sentences and not arrests so I changed it to point to the topic at hand.
  14. You wanna spam post that some more? Hahahahaha
  15. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2020/06/20/ben_shapiro_debunking_viral_systemic_racism_explained_video.html
  16. https://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2017/06/18/533062607/poverty-dropouts-pregnancy-suicide-what-the-numbers-say-about-fatherless-kids Here ya go
  17. Drug arrests are generally those with a substantial enough amount to authorize arrest. So can there not be more drug dealers in economically bad neighborhoods? How is that racism? Again if you do not commit a crime you cannot be sentenced. Everyone knew in rochester all the crack houses were on smith Street. Smith Street was in a ethnically black neighborhood. Does that mean its racism they happen to be there to be easily caught? I'll tell you what does correlate. The fatherless rate on families is directly correlations to he chances of socio economic problems leading to crime and arrest. Is it one groups fault another is not raising their kids in un broken homes?
  18. I'm not. Statistics are on the cops side of why they did it. And I understand that. Majority of the time, they are probably right. I also was detained on my 27th birthday for not leaving the front of a bar while waiting for my friends. I had not caused any problems or started any fights. They were trying to clear the bar out on Monroe Ave. Cop told me to move. I explained it was my bday and I was waiting for my friends to come out so I could have a ride. He tole me again. I said what are you gonna do arrest me? Well he did. I sat in the car for 2 hours. Guess what I'm white. It happens to everyone. If I wasn't a smart ass prob wouldn't have happened.
  19. You do realize that they can pull you over for suspicion of a crime right regardless if you have committed one? I have been pulled over for being white in a black neighborhood in rochester before. Does that mean the cops are racist? Or that when they see a white kid driving down conkey that maybe he's looking for something he shouldn't be?
  20. Having an open container and not passing field sobreitary is not hacing a picnic. A report from a biased source.
  21. Ya a lot of fire there a lot of real evidence to support this. More like smoke. You don't get arrested if you do not commit crimes. That is what you all seem to forget. Again give me a fact this is anecdotal garbage.
  22. I got released at 4 am and they impounded my car and I slept on a porch in the middle of the winter.
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