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Everything posted by Sharky7337

  1. Ya but I just feel it's way harder to beat a team twice, as good as them. But I'm sure what will happen will happen regardless
  2. Man y'all just trying to jinx us. Honestly Everytime we win in reg season we lose to them in playoffs. Rather lose to them in reg season
  3. I was just about to complain about why does our D have to revive the dead career of flacco but then he throws a pic
  4. He's forcing the ball to samuel stared glim down bad play
  5. Ahh yes a yearly tradition
  6. He did this same ***** as a bill and we weren't making these threads then. Stop being a hypocrite.
  7. I know this is cliche but they really just have different skill sets. Aside from that, Davis plays with heart.
  8. You guys are surprised? The league wants Miami to be relevant. They're gonna try and hand them this game
  9. Like the holding not called.on the td
  10. Maybe we can swing it for a helmet?
  11. Miami had the division lead around the same time last year no?
  12. Russ Wilson is tomlin's peterman
  13. Defense is small, soft, poor tackling. Has been for years
  14. Can this thread finally die in the epic fashion it deserves. I mean even the GM by getting a new wr admits the poster was wrong. Poster please lay off the alcohol and copium during the off season. #1 worst off season takes of all time
  15. Always struck me as more of a Taliban type of guy. Hed have a blast in those poppy fields
  16. Can Robert saleh play running back? I'd bet hed run through a few walls right about now lol
  17. The whole point of the post is that people are surprised that we are having struggles. The narratives are still dumb either way. But i think your not understanding the point of the post. People need to ignore the false narratives and set expectations accordingly and not melt down on losses. And our media should be asking questions and peddling narratives less.
  18. Ya I probably went a little too off the rails on joe, but Its really a bills media in general issue. Joe will give honest opinions with bad performances. He does sometimes forward the narratives though and love not good players.
  19. I still wouldn't get him because I don't have confidence they could use him correctly
  20. I'm not drunk but do you clap between posts? Asking for a friend
  21. Ok McDermott we know that's you! But are they Tremaine Edmunds young? Or just young?
  22. You really fixate on odd things. You do you bud. Clearly there's a lot of people who thought we were better then we are.
  23. I was never misled. You see this board imploding because they were sold false hopes. The original statue of Liberty play!
  24. And the rest of the Bills media who spouted the same false narratives that has everyone all up in arms. And honestly no offense to Joe but I have heard enough Hope-ium laced podcasts and episodes devoted to players that are not that good but touted as great (Edmunds cough). It's not really about him but the media in geneal that never really presses them at all for answers. Over the top yes, it is a bit. But hear me out. I mean it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone our WR room is a weakness. But the first two weeks we won 2 games and then they (bills media coverage) started spewing the off-season garbage The narrative: "everybody eats" The truth: We don't have a number one. And then the ravens game leading up they came up with narrative number 2: The narrative: "Bad matchup" And stuck with that after. The truth: If you don't have a plan to defend against the team who was the number one seed the year before on your conference, your probably not doing your job right. All the injuries aside. The truth is our defense was exposed as what it has historically been, bad tackling and soft. Then we have to hear podcasts and coverage about how great mack hollins looks and what a good team mate and blocker he is. Sounds familiar? Just another narrative. Then in games he's garbage, as expected. I mean Josh is not absolved of his role in a bad performance, but please someone get this guy off the field. Our media needs to stop selling the fans narratives to appease McDermott and sell their credibility for team access. Fans shouldn't be blowing up and melting down on the board after this loss. This was going to be a tougher year for us. They just sold you narratives and gave you hope. They should be asking tough questions about the numerous times we have choked away games and decision making.
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