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Everything posted by Sharky7337

  1. Na dude carbones owns you. I went to koronets pizza. It was ok. Nothing special. Randy's makes decent NY city style pizza but I prefer Western New York myself personally
  2. Thought they originally all lived and were from Batavia. I had a girlfriend who worked at ridge road and I used to get tons of free stuff from. Last time I got it from webster it was good. Living down south now, that's the biggest thing I miss is the food back home.
  3. Not every location was the same or good. But two of them in Rochester I did enjoy.
  4. It's been about 15 years since I lived I'm buffalo. My favorite pizza in western NY was always Pontillos. I don't recall ever having bad or amazing pizza living in Buffalo. Rochester I know for a fact has amazing pizza. So I'm gonna say he's bitter cause he's about to be sliced. Actually now I remember getting slices on Elmwood when I was at buff state. And it was good. Ya he's crazy. Now here in Raleigh, there's no good pizza imo
  5. Federal offense how? Hahahaha he can make whatever performance bonus criteria he wants he owns the team.
  6. You all act like we didn't already know these bad teams tanked. We all knew it. It's funny to me this is news. Honestly I don't really see a problem with it.
  7. Bill belicheck saw him teetering on the edge and gave him a little "accidental" push... I mean text to set the nfl on fire and one or two of his afc east rivals in the process Waiting for Ben Crump to show up.
  8. This will never work. With all the nepotism in the league, its time to start thinking more diverse girlfirends. Imagine a darker more diverse, steve belicheck. That is how you get more diversity for real. Operation baby momma drama.
  9. That's great but what about this year's start?
  10. They had a worse record then they did the year prior though.
  11. Cause starting a season 0 and 7 and losing out of the playoffs last year is all unicorns and rainbows?
  12. For employing a higher percentage of African Americans then white people? Lol You realize the majority of players are black. ( multi millionaires) If coaches need to be a better ratio so do players. Lets make a rule to fix that imbalance too then. Either way of a team thinks the guy is gonna win the superbowl, it won't matter is he's painted purple.
  13. Is this a threat ? Lol
  14. So how long till he unretires lol
  15. Now that's an idea! The Washington soul stealers!
  16. This cheapens the league imo. Should kept the name redskins and put a sunburnt pastey guy on the helmet.
  17. Could you imagine if we spied mahomes with Edmunds? He'd be in the endzone before we knew it! Lol
  18. I saw that. But with betting now legal think of how much money could be made taking the Bengals down 21 to 3 at the half and making it happen. Did anyone see Jackson mahomes bank account today?
  19. So basically he thought he was playing a Frazier coached defense again but wasn't.
  20. Umm maybe because all these people that are supposed to know QB play can't draft them with any decent success rate?
  21. I'm sorry but that defense was inexcusable. Half drunk football fans with 0 coaching experience all over America knew what to do better then that. Cost Frazier any chance at being a head coach again. I don't think he will get another shot now. I wouldn't want to hire any part of that. At least Peyton gives us a little bit on insight on the kick
  22. IN THE YEAR 3000
  23. Love how the "home stadium" is 9ers stadium lol
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