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Everything posted by Sharky7337

  1. John brown means most likely this is not gonna happen. Hope I'm wrong!
  2. Would love some of that offensive design right about now
  3. My question for this thread is how many posters had to google what this saying means about having your picture on a milk carton lol
  4. I have listened to every one of his podcasts for a while. Ok well you can worship Joe Marino all you want. That doesn't change the fact it's pure speculation.
  5. Sorry maybe there is some truth to this but I don't buy the speculation explanation. Joe is a good listen at times, but he's a fan same as you and me. But maybe it's just me. I'm just tired of hearing how practice matters, and then a titans team who had no practice in the covvid season curb stomped us. At some point, explanations and excuses don't win super bowls. I'm just seeing a lot of struggles that don't look just practice related. The most concerning thing to me right now is the predictability of the offense. (Outside of Dane Jackson and injuries)
  6. I know it's probably my own bias, but every other offense looks like there are these like wide open free throws we don't get and people aren't tripping over themselves when it happens. Jealous.
  7. Can my sports team just once not be a part of someone's best of all time highlight real as the loser - hail murray, Derrick Henry stiff arm, justin jefferson
  8. Id sure love a re run of last year's patriots playoff game but this offensive coordinator is very predictable and throw that in with the injuries and lack of consistency, it could be tough sledding
  9. Superstar for the opposing teams!
  10. I think Bill belichick has the potential to feast on this struggling O
  11. It's our SB too we aren't even leading our division their champ.
  12. Ans that's why I put out manned last.
  13. We are out coached, out played, out manned. They know our plays before we even snap the ball.
  14. You had me until the last sentence. I think it can be both.
  15. Backup guards owning our guys
  16. Gosh this is the worst common saying ever. Is it so hard for people to admit we weren't the better team that game? Same things chiefs fans say to us when we win.
  17. I think you mean his alter ego jack.
  18. This thread needs to be burned to the ground epic jinx status - where did this smart a** go ? YOU UNDERSTAND OUR PAIN NOW?!
  19. Thats what Josh was focused on yesterday he sees us!
  20. I mean going for it makes it a 3 score game which I'm OK with
  21. I wonder how coach feels you don't stick up for him the same way!
  22. This is something i should have touched on for sure. Those turnover numbers have been really bad for us, even in the Rams game we had them.
  23. Look I'm as tired as you are about the losses in these moments, but we still are not out of where we want to go (yet). Here are some of my post-loss thoughts about the Bills just want to throw out there: Why don't we run the ball well / enough / running backs not doing well / short yardage problems The front office has prioritized money and draft capital to positions they felt had the most value and didn't for others. You cannot do them all - and for them, they have valued interior line less / missed on picks / traded away the one good guy we did have (not talking about cody ford) Regardless of these failures this is something they probably should consider changing or trying to address again Their running scheme keeps trying to be zone when they do better as a gap team Singletary has done well enough Von Miller has been good However, In his pursuit to drive and will the defense to greatness has impacted game discipline and we have gotten caught a few times not maintaining rush lanes and gotten burned for it - this was especially telling when they interviewed him about the Ravens game - the bills had huge success against the ravens / Lamar in previous big spots by being really disciplined with rush lanes - his comment was something to the effect of "I'm just going to do what I'm going to do and not worry about that" which was a bit of a head scratcher - I love his passion I hope we can get more and stay disciplined as much as possible Draft investment heavily on defense year after year has yielded a statistically good defense (#1 in stats) At the expense of offensive talent, some of these projects have been going on too long - Oliver, Epenesa, Basham - have not looked like they were worth their investments and this hurts us in key moments at times We are seeing the growing pains of a new offensive coordinator None of us are in the headset, mind, planning of the team - but there is a lot of missed opportunities - a former player was talking about how second and 1 is the hardest down to defend because the whole playbook is open - today we had a few and instead of using the play action we just handed it off. I think we are seeing some growing pains with a new OC - I hope they figure it out Tackling is something that continues to be a problem Ever since Tampa Bay last year called us out as being a poor tackling defense, this seems to remain true - we are beat up, but seeing our guys bounce off people like the three stooges and big plays breaking is frustrating - we have a lot of injuries so hopefully that may be part of it Did we waste the Josh Allen Host streak? This is the scariest thought for me, i'm sure it's just a slump, but he was so on fire up until the GB second half and don't get me wrong he still is amazing, but he has regressed to sugar high josh in the red zone which is totally unlike him over his career - he's trying to do a lot - how can they help him? I think they need to still be coaching him and maybe his success has made them more hands off - Belicheck never used kid gloves with brady - Josh knows what he has to do - but maybe he needs that steadying presence We have enough Karma built up as a fan base we should be able to cash in for a super bowl at some point - I mean how many crazy losses do we have to endure? I would almost argue that no other fan base has us in the heart breaking loss category We may not win the division This one is gonna really burn some people I'm sure - but right now, Miami has a easier path and more consistent play and better offensive weapons then us at receiver - I really hope we can look back like this was just a bump in the road Our receivers have not lived up to the expectations placed on them After the NE game mckenzie had 200 yard or something - i was high on him - he has his moments, but him and gabe have underwhelmed and in the Vikings interview (Peterson) the interceptions was based on tendencies and film study of Davis breaking inside and Allen always throws him the ball - we need to get ahead of ourselves and change these tendencies - we need to grow - As soon as he saw Davis break inside he dropped what he was doing and watched allen to get in there
  24. Seriously why is every game of the year us getting d*ck kicked?
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