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Everything posted by Sharky7337

  1. Sorry guys bargain bin offensive linemen won't cut it
  2. They're the more physical team
  3. Why the f are you throwing a fade to a halfback
  4. The problem I have with this is we have devoted so many resources to this defense it should be amazing.
  5. Uh oh offense looking like lost faces
  6. Curse of the refs trying to keep a game close for ratings.
  7. At least he gets to play in prime time now!
  8. Justin Jefferson getting QB type calls. Soft.
  9. Nice to see so much moss on another team lol
  10. If his nick name is grundles I'd like to buy down under for 1000 alex
  11. For a minute I thought a ford dealership had a tire fire
  12. Would have been epic post if you found a buffalo bill logo bat signal
  13. Clearly you didn't listen it and just posted it to stir controversy
  14. Broncos nation just went on a ride with Tua I mean wilson
  15. Mahomes is way better. Consistently. I love josh, but mahomes has had like one short slump in a few years. Josh has had more than that.
  16. Happens to me all the time it glitches and sometimes puts you to that. I have missed multiple post game shows because of it. However last two times it did not do it to me.
  17. Could kept Jerry Hughes for peanuts on comparison and gotten the same production. They are tied in sacks.
  18. There's no place like home
  19. We need to start more legends of Dan Snyder what other things can we attribute to him? Dan Snyders ancestor brought plague rats to Europe? Dan Snyders grandfather was a guard at auschwitz? Dan Snyder farmed baby seals for pelts? This guy is quickly becoming infamous as they all try to destroy eachother!
  20. This got resurrected I need some 🍿!
  21. Same lol
  22. Dallas is just playing hardball to get him on the cheap - they know he wants to go there and are taking advantage
  23. I think you have to examine cutting Knox pay or possibly releasing him and keeping edmunds
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