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Happy Panther

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  1. This makes no sense as a Panthers season ticket holder. Bills win. This pisses Cam off, pisses off the fans. Who is the third option in Carolina? Ugh
  2. Not sure who wants it less so far
  3. I'll give you this, we are a bunch of homers. The sad thing is whoever loses is almost writing off the season. I'll predict 17-17 tie.
  4. That is Star against one of the best offensive lineman in the league. And you know about Kuechly and Beason. There is no weak link on our line. But we have plenty of weaknesses elsewhere.
  5. A few comments on our fans as our reputation has spread north i see. Yeah we have some bad fans. Probably the biggest issue is that the "first generation" of fans all started with a different favorite team. Lot's of transplants here and they all call into sports radio and make it clear that "I'm a Dallas fan first Carolina second." That is fine. You route for the team you grew up with. It also makes for a very soft stadium environment. Giant's fans invading? Don't care this isn't my first team. Whereas there is a desire to "protect the house" against other fans in other stadiums. What also happened is there was a PSL frenzy when we opened the stadium and people from all over invested. Now, especially with 4 years of mediocrity, these fans can't be bothered to make a long trip every Sunday. Sounds like some of you can related in Buffalo. The one seat to my left is a guy 1 hour away and the 2 to my right are a guy in Virginia. They never come so sometimes the seats are empty and sometimes opposing fans. That hurts the atmosphere. The result is it is easy for opposing fans to get cheap tickets and we don't fill the stadium (although we do technically sell out every game). On the flip side the atmosphere is extremely family freindly so I never have qualms about bringing my young kids Nah it is this goofy knit hat he wears. But you are not the first to think that
  6. He simply is. He could be one of the best linebackers we have had. Here is me in my luke jersey
  7. Yeah or RG has an ACL tear and is gone. Chris Scott who played for the bills last year at some point is starting. We did OK with the O line Sunday as far as protection and penalties but struggled to get yards at times. Deangelo couldn't convert from 2nd and 2 with two run chances for example. Cam can scramble well enough to avoid rushes but if we can't run the ball it could be a long day.
  8. The reason I think we may be elite is that we started with a decent defense last year that was pretty hurt by injuries. We were ranked #10 in total defense. BEason is arguably our best player on defense and he is back and healthy. We added Star of course but didn't stop there. With glaring holes on Offense and secondary we diced to use our 2nd round pick on ...a DT (Kawaan Short Purdue)? We have a potential DT starter as backup. Then to keep the defense theme going we drafted a nice linebacker in the 4th (AJ Klein). Seemed like overkill at the time but we have looked stout on defense. And to round things off in the 5th we drafted a running back with three starting caliber RBs on the roster. While the drafts was strange it was really all about defense. Gettleman believes you load up on "hog-mollies" on the line and everything flows from there. We will find out. But we added a ton of depth and talent to a pretty good defense already and our defensive leader is now healthy.
  9. Panthers fan here. PSL owner goes to every game. Here are my thoughts. And a picture from Sunday And good luck Sunday. 1) Our defensive front is legit. Like best in the NFL legit. If we had a stud secondary we might have the best defense in the league. We have an OK secondary with some potential. IF you guys light up our defense I might by a Bills hat. 2) Our offensive line was supposed to stink but they did just fine on Sunday. Very few penalties and very few sacks. 3) Despite this our offense was anemic. 125 yards passing from our star QB and 7 points. It was a combination of very sloppy execution, conservative play-calling and probably coaching overall. 4) Our last 4 seasons have started 0-3, 0-5, 2-8, and 1-6. The fan base here is completely tired of having nothing to root for after the first week in October. 5) We consistently find a way to lose close games. We were playoff caliber last year and probably this year but something is obviously missing. Lots of losses by a touchdown or less. 6) Our head coach and offensive coach are probably on the hot-seat already and need a good game. 7) We have a great new GM from the Giants and will see how that pans out. 8) We have quite a few Buffalo transplants on Charlotte for whatever reason. IF you want to chime in on buffalo wings click here: http://www.carolinahuddle.com/boards/topic/90527-in-honor-of-this-weeks-game-best-buffalo-wings-in-charlotte/ Be nice Your fans have always been pretty good fans compared to some of the obnoxious ones so good luck. I'll predict a 17-14 game one way or the other.
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