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Everything posted by dezertbill

  1. "now claims" As the season's change, so does Delicia Cordon's story. She'll get it right one of these days.
  2. https://www.wgrz.com/article/news/local/lesean-mccoys-ex-girlfriend-claims-he-abused-her/71-600321391 Says in 2016 McCoy would grab her in a 'painful" manner and would leave her skin red (yet wanted to marry him and didn't want to break up from him.) Also said she was "kicked out of bed". I wish I could sue for that!!! Says she was "emotionally affected" by witnessing McCoy beating his child and dog. WOW! It's about time she finally came out and said how much money she wanted. It's obvious her press conference didn't yield the results she was looking for, so now she's taking him to court. Finally showing her true intentions. Looking for a big payday so she can kick back on her couch, smoke weed, and travel the world on occasion posting about her Instagram model life. Get it girl!
  3. Competition Committee Uncomfortable with Roughing Calls.  Meeting set for next week to discuss.
  4. He belongs on PS. Maybe in a few years. But not in the near future.
  5. In a Podcast with Dean Blandino, Pereira says he has spoken to a current member and former member of the competition committee who is furious that the rule doesn't take into account whether the defenders weight on the QB was "unnecessary" or not. If you put weight on the QB, period, it's a foul. That's not how it was written or the spirit of the rule. It was more meant for players who took several steps (I.E. Anthony Barr w/ Aaron Rodgers) vs. someone who lands on the QB within a split second. Pereira goes on to say a majority of the competition committee (6 our of 8 ) feel that the Matthews hit WAS NOT an infraction. Now, I'm not sure how someone could not see the "unnecessary" part, or "strive to" part of the rule. But then I realize we are talking about Al Riveron, the genius who screwed the NFL for years with him micromanaging each and every catch by the millisecond and over turning catches that the spirit of the catch rule was not meant to overturn. So we find ourselves again with a dips%!& Riveron who once again has taken it upon himself to take a rule that was meant to eliminate "Unnecessary" and blatant force and turn it into pretty much each and every occurrence as law. Players, coaches, and media are speaking out about how ridiculous and inconsistent the rule is, and how it needs to be fixed. Meanwhile Riveron sits in his perch in NYC basking in the glow that, once again, he has ruled as a dictator in a way that has thrown the game into disarray. To me, Riveron has to go. He is a moron and for the second time within the last few years, he has made life in the NFL a cluster for the league and it's players, including a DL now blowing out his knee in Miami to avoid getting flagged. Riveron is an idiot that needs to be replaced immediately. Especially when you have former refs who were in his position come out and say the calls are dead wrong. Mike Pereira Twitter
  6. This is a great poll and I was just thinking this. Additional draft picks aside, the spirit of the trade is Mahomes for Allen and Tre. Tre is becoming a shut down CB in this league, and a leader for our defense for the next decade. Allen has shown he could be our next franchise QB. Mahomes has had a great 3 games, but it's just that. When Deshawn Watson arrived he played out of his mind as well. Houston with him at QB is 0-3. Plus keep in mind Mahomes sat for a year. Allen is jumping right in and experiencing success. Honestly, to early to call. But if I had to make a decision right his moment, as great as Mahomes has played, I would say Allen and Tre. Those are two cornerstones of this franchise, vs. one guy (Mahomes) who has been playing out of his mind, but over the course of time isn't as great has he has been these last three weeks.
  7. The Dolphins game last year that got us into the playoffs for first time in 17 seasons with Ravens loss. From an underdog standpoint, Win vs. Patriots in 2011 at home with Fitz.
  8. Actually, if you go back to the Chargers game and see how much time Allen had in the pocket, I would have to differ with you on this. Daboll said as much in his press conference. The only difference this week was he was quick to get rid of the ball vs. holding onto it all day like he did vs. LA.
  9. A majority of overly-emotional, crying over spilt milk fans, yes. Lets face it, our head coach has more mental toughness than our entire fanbase. Fact.
  10. Gentry would have caught that Foster ball. I completely agree. I think this guy could be an upgraded version of the next Chris Hogan.
  11. Agreed He looked like the moment was too big on that play. Instead of running through the ball and dove and short armed it, like his only goal was to just catch it. A veteran receiver would have caught that and kept running. Although I like his speed, he belongs on our PS.
  12. Patricia has Brady's number
  13. Good to know we won't be dealing with any jumping off a cliff because we didn't draft Mahomes threads
  14. https://twitter.com/AlbertBreer/status/975789743186366469?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^975789743186366469&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.revengeofthebirds.com%2F2018%2F3%2F19%2F17139876%2Fsam-bradford-contract-2018-arizona-cardinals More like $20 million if he plays. $15 if he sits. Get used to the splinters Sam.
  15. Benjamin is horrible. Saw another play where a TE lined up as a blocking back had to remind Benjamin where to line up. Zay Jones isn't alone.
  16. Safe to say all of the negative news that came out painting the Bills as a train wreck of a franchise due to a player quitting at half time only ignited it's players and coaches. Thank you Vontae, indeed.
  17. Delicia Cordon is nothing but a gold digging scumbag hiding behind a pretty face and make up. That's why the police won't do jack. Because she has no credibility. First off, she has spent the last 10 years squatting and screwing over tenants, bouncing checks and not paying them, acting like a gold digger and POS when she was dating Michael Vick's brother. Rip Off Report on Delicia Cordon Bouncing Checks and Squatting Looking for the next rich NFL player to fleece, she meets Shady. When he is sick and tired of her drama, she won't leave his house, having to go so far as to take her to court. Mind you this has been going on for over a year. That press conference she held was a train wreck. A "Whoa is me, feel sorry for me, I'm an innocent victim" play. She shows up in a textbook outfit, cream suit buttoned up to her neck with her hair in a bun as if she wants everyone to believe she is this conservative woman (why not show up in a tight lowcut shirt and tight jeans or a skin tight dress like all of her other Instagram photos?). She spends her whole time at the podium trying to get people to feel sorry for her as if she has lived this honest and wholesome life. The real truth is she is the one that created this whole situation. First off, she posts on her social media account all of the jewelry that Shady gave her for two reasons. First, she wants to let everyone know that Shady gave that to her (marking her territory) and second she's trying to show off to all of her friends and followers that she is "high status" when she herself doesn't have a dime to hang her hat on. Then she sits in the press conference crying about how the robber "knew exactly what pieces of jewelry to ask for". DUHHH!!! You put the stuff on your social media account with close up video. Just so I understand, you post up close video of this jewelry for all of the world to see, then you want the police to believe that ONLY Shady knew what pieces of jewelry you owned? Her attorney in that press conference was a train wreck as well. The whole time Delicia is talking she is standing behind her flashing smiles as if to say "we about to get paid". She bumbles through questions, even looking at Delicia once when a reporter asks about Shady's involvement and Delicia looks away until another attorney behind her steps in to save her and says Delicia is not answering questions. She gives out the wrong phone number to call if anyone has any information, which the PI corrects. When asked if they have any evidence linking Shady to the crime she stumbles and says "were not going to discuss what we have and we will continue to investigate". In other words, they don't have jack because if they did Shady would be nailed to a wall. Then they cry foul about the fact that Alpharetta police answer the 911 calls for their local jurisdiction, as if Alpharetta was in on this? Creating conspiracy theories to help paint her as a victim of the police as well. What they are not reporting is that Delicia went to collect insurance money for the stolen jewelry and Shady wouldn't allow her to because the jewelry was in his name. If the jewelry was hers, why would she need Shady to give permission to pay her the insurance money. She has no evidence linking Shady, and now they are trying to keep this in the public eye in hopes Shady finally gives in. This whole scene yesterday was about one thing....getting paid. That's why she wouldn't leave the house. That's why she wouldn't return the jewelry. That's why she is trying to sue Shady. That's why she is keeping this whole situation on the forefront of the media. She wants Shady to pay her out. "LeSean wants to wait until the season is over, and I don't have time for that. I need this taken care of now." She is trying to pull on people's heart strings so she can get paid and take care of hers. Problem is, she has serious credibility and character issues. Don't you think the police know her history with past rentals? Skipping out, bouncing checks, and acting like a POS scumbag? If her attorney were able to present any evidence, this story has so many eyes on it they would have no choice but to prosecute. Other NFL players have been prosecuted for less. Police will charge someone if they have evidence, not because you are a pretty face looking to get paid. They could care less about your Instagram account or hot outfits. Your entitlement doesn't work with them. If Delicia and her attorney's could keep their stories straight maybe the cops would have something. Everyone at that press conference, including the private eye, has a vested financial interest in this case. If she can squeeze money out of Shady, THEY ALL GET PAID!! This isn't about finding justice for her. This is about getting paid for themselves. And that $20K she is offering as a reward has either come from Shady, her baby's daddy, or the premise that if she can get someone associated with Shady convicted she'll win her civil suit. But even so, with all of the past history with her lying, skipping out on people, and bouncing checks, I'm all of a sudden supposed to believe she is going to honor that $20K? Good luck with that one. Vegas has it's share of entitled females who think their wanna be Instagram modeling careers warrants them sugar daddy's and all the finer things in life. Most of which are strippers or escorts diluted with the thought that their body and looks is their one way ticket to financial freedom and flock from Cali and other states who view Sin City as a "mecca" for sugar daddy's. I've seen first-hand women like this try to get over innocent men in order to get a paycheck. Lying straight through their teeth. Making up stories. They will stop at nothing, they are relentless. They truly believe that in today's world, they have the upper hand being a female and the conscious of society would actually feel sorry for them and believe them despite their motives and actions. It's business to them, and they don't care whose life or image they ruin. They are out to get theirs. Problem is, male or female, your credibility is what people base their opinions on. She has no credibility, and based on past allegations by innocent victims trying to do her a favor or do business with her she has an ugly character, and now she wants to paint this picture with the help of her weak lawyer that she is an honest, forthright, and caring person only trying to do the "right thing." When you live an ugly life, you subject yourself to ugly experiences. I do not condone violence, and if it is found that Shady is responsible for her getting beat up then let the hammer come down on him as it may. But her effort to try this in the court of public opinion, when she has lived an ugly, selfish and self serving life over the last 10 years (If not longer), is pathetic. Especially when all you've done is create situations over the last 10 years where you felt entitlement was more important than doing the right thing. Wouldn't surprise me at all if the person who entered the home that night was named Karma.
  18. This. TT was too expensive to keep on the team. I love Allen and what he brings. He's young, and comparisons to Mahomes are way premature since we got Tre White in the deal and in a few years Allen could have a way higher ceiling. Everyone right now is panicking off of a few games. It's ridiculous
  19. 100% believe this. It's a marathon not a sprint.
  20. i'll take McD over Marrone right now. It's too early in McD's tenure to judge accurately. Marrone has Coughlin. He set the tone. I like McD and what he brings. He is being tested right now, but that's OK. He'll do what needs to be done to fix this.
  21. Both are safe for several years and deservedly so. This is a marathon, not a sprint. We have a lot of young players on the team learning, and it shows. I'm as disappointed as anyone about the OL, DL, secondary, and WR positions. But there are some key positions occupied by up and coming studs that simply need time to develop. They will get this fixed. Sucks it might not be next week, but in the long run this team will be solid
  22. So SD guy goes into endzone and touches ball and refs don't see it. par for the course with these officials. horrible
  23. We allowed 101 points in two games last year back to back. Everyone thought we were going to collapse then. IT's week 1. Let's see how this team rebounds and grows the first few weeks before we jump off the ledge.
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