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Everything posted by dezertbill

  1. Riiiight. Cuz like Terry is in the draft room calling teams to formulate a trade. Not that Beane guy. Idiot
  2. I still think this is they guy they are aiming for. No, I don't think they are all sitting in a room a few hours before the draft thinking "hmmm...maybe we need to reevaluate our options". I believe they've had a guy this whole time that they have wanted, and only the press now is catching up to who that is. I've seen some interviews with Rosen and the more I watch the kid talk, the more I like him. Peyton Manning looked the Colts dead in the eyes in 98 and said "if you don't pick me, I'm going to spend the next 15 years kicking your a$$". That sounds like something Rosen would say, and he has the skillset and mentality to back it up.
  3. My take 1) Darnold (Browns) 2) Rosen (Bills) 3) Mayfield (Jets) 4) Giants (Barkley) 5) Cardinals (via trade w/ Broncos) Allen I think the one guy the Bills think is the only franchise guy is Rosen. As much as I wish it was Mayfield. This means it WON'T be Baker Mayfield.
  4. Although I want to believe "the guy" they want is Mayfield, I have a feeling the one guy they want is Rosen
  5. For four 1st round picks they would. 4, 12, 22 this year 2 firsts in 19 and 20. They would be stupid to turn that down. Ask me that’s way to much for Bills to give. Im sure you can get 5th pick with 12 and 22. Pray Giants draft Barkley
  6. All i have seen is the Jets wanting Mayfield or Rosen. Either/or plays well into us trading up to 5 if Browns take Allen and Giants take Barkley to get Darnold.
  7. Cleveland. Allen Giants. Barkley Jets. Rosen Cleveland. Chubb Buffalo via trade. Darnold
  8. Include him in the deal with Giants so we give up less picks They need OL
  9. this fuels the other thread about the Bills, Browns, and Giants doing a 3 way deal where Giants don’t drop past 4 so they don’t lose out on the chance to draft Barkley
  10. If we get Darnold...oh boy!!!
  11. Ray Rice doesn't. Nor does Aldon Smith or Greg Hardy. Right now the 49ers are allowing the legal system play out so they are protected if/when they release him. But honestly with the roll call of the above names I see Foster added to that list before next season kicks off.
  12. The kneeling issue has evolved greatly since 2016. Kaep first took a knee to spark conversation regarding how minorities are treated in the legal system. The backlash he received emboldened a handful of players to do the same. The league didn't know how to handle it, so they just categorized it under "free speech" and let it go. It rubbed some fans the wrong way, but wasn't enough to move the needle of public outcry. The unified display by teams (including players, coaches and owners) after the President's comments last year put an enormous red hot spotlight on the topic. It divided not only the league, but also it's fans. You had mass cancellations of the NFL Ticket, people walking out of the stadium and demanding refunds for season tickets & individual games. Fans were also boycotting advertisers. The NFL could no longer sweep the issue under the rug. They had to take some sort of action. Last year proved that the act of kneeling during the national anthem (on company time) had a direct correlation to damaging the league brand and loss of revenue. To remedy this, the owners and a group of players came together and decided that the league would donate over $100 million over a seven year period to create programs in different cities to not only help inner city youths, but their relationships with law enforcement. If you ask me, this is what the league should have done after 2016. When your a billion dollar business whose most notable employees are minorities, they should have been ahead of this and not let it reach the level it did. After the settlement, teams began holding off on kneeling during the anthem except for a handful of players. So we are at a point where the act of kneeling has caused damage to a brand that cost it's teams (companies) and advertisers revenue, and the league has adopted steps to support their employee's cause (a course of action that the players openly agreed with). If a team no longer wants a player to kneel on company time so that their brand isn't damaged, their customer's aren't offended, and they don't lose revenue, then I don't blame them. Kneeling during the national anthem is no longer a valid argument. There were stories last year that Kaep said if he got an opportunity to play he wouldn't kneel. Eric Reid said the same thing when free agency started this winter. But when asked by teams all of a sudden they change their tune and want the option to do so if they chose. If this is the case, then an employer should have the option of whether he wants that player on his sideline or not, knowing that his employee may cost the employer money, customers, or harm to their brand. No judge is going to see all of this going on and rule in favor of the player. These reports are most likely from the agents of Kap and Reid who are trying to create a stir. I think it's being done in poor taste. Bottom line, the NFL is a business. The league and it's fans have already fought this battle, and it's time to lay it to rest. If you want to take a stance, do it outside of company time. As for fans like me who once upon a time supported your cause, that support no longer exists.
  13. Based on the great length he goes to explain everything it may have merit. My only thing is if it is true Russ Brandon (nor his boss) probably doesn’t want his name out there leaking draft secrets. If your going to put stuff like this out there be smart about it.
  14. The only way this is true is the Giants interest in Darnold is a total smoke screen. The way Gettlemen spoke of Eli it would make sense for them to go positional player instead of QB. But with how the Manning/Luck scenario turned out i'm not one to risk that.
  15. to me this is just a clear sign that the Bills have the option to get Darnold if they want in a trade with the Gmen. This should be exciting news since it's known the Bill have a trade set up with Gmen if they want to move up. If they don't have something lined up with Gmen, then this is worse case cuz Gmen will take Darnold and Jets will take Rosen. This will leave Mayfield to whomever trades to 4 or 5.
  16. Must watch him fight for a roster spot on some other team
  17. Gonna start a thread where Bills will trade their 2 first round picks for a decade of 7th rounders. Will I be cool then.?
  18. Makes sense about having a deal in place to trade up to number two. I believe it has to do with if Darnold isn't there. If he is Giants take him and Bills trade with Broncos for Mayfield.
  19. It all seems to come down to who the Browns draft at 1. If it’s Darnold then Giants take a non QB and Bills look good at 5 or 7. Its its Allen Giants take Darnold and it gets tight at 5
  20. Ideal would be to trade a Hughes or Shaq to move up to 7
  21. 2017 NFL Team Defense Rankings (w/ NFL QB Rating): 1 Minnesota (Keenum 7th) 2. Jacksonville (Bortles 21st) 3. Denver (Siemian 30th, Osweiler 31st) 4. Philadelphia (Wentz 4th) 5. Pittsburgh (Roethlesberger 14th) 6. Arizona (Palmer only played 7 Games- 22nd Gabbert 32nd) 3 of the 6 made it to the Conference Championship. Some argue Jacksonville would have made it past NE with a better QB. Only 2 of the 6 didn't make it Into the Playoffs. Care to guess which two? If you don't think that Denver and AZ could have been playoff contenders with a better QB than you seriously don't know anything about football.
  22. Rumors abound that Brady is tired of BB's act. Now the "R" word. No doubt he still has the will and drive to play. So the question arises......If he could be THE last piece to making a 1-2 year (potentially more) run at a championship, would the first ballot HOF that can still ball out be worth trading your 1st round pick? Only a handful of teams qualify for this, and where they draft does affect value (Denver at 5, Arizona at 15 or Jacksonville at 29) Although he would be 41 when the season starts, he's coming off a 4577 yard, 66% completion, 32 TD/8 INT season and has made it clear he wants to play another 4 years. His last 3 seasons he has thrown for nearly 13,000 yards (more if not for the 4 game suspension) with at least a 64 completion %, 96 TD's vs 17 INTs, and QB rating over 102. Would you trade 15 w/ AZ and 29 w/ Jacksonville but not 5 w/ Denver? If he isn't worth a 1st, what round would you give up for him? If I'm Denver, I would actually consider it. If I'm AZ or Jags, absolutely. If he gives me a good 2 years to win a SB, I'm in. When you win that trophy, as Bill Parcells says, no one can ever take that away from you. SB Championship labels don't grow on trees. We couldn't do it for 4 years in a row, and haven't sniffed it since.
  23. We apparently needed another
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