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Everything posted by LikeIGiveADarn

  1. Any fans of "Community" out there? It's 5th season starts tomorrow.
  2. Right now we've just made a bunch of ingots. Going to be casting them soon, but that is actually pretty difficult to do. You need the right tools to make molds that hold together properly. If they are selling those anthills for that much, we'll probably cast a few of them to sell
  3. A friend of mine built a smelter in his back yard. Aluminum doesn't need a lot of heat to melt, you actually don't want to use too much or it will become a noxious vapor. Not hard to build and it's a cooler way to get rid of my beer cans than returning them.
  4. Last Christmas is god awful, only replayed because it happens to mention Christmas in one line. How exactly that makes it a Christmas song, I'm not sure. But this one undoubtedly is the worst "Christmas" song ever made I double this. I need Santa hats!
  5. I still think a field goal kicking contest is the way to go...
  6. Your son won't see one more penny if they do anyway. I just hope no gets hurt. I worked Walmart on Black Friday for four years, I'll never chase that dragon again...
  7. He just get's up from the pile growling...
  8. Check out a game day thread on any message board, it sounds the same way. Just a part of being a football fan.
  9. Any chance we can rehire Chan Gailey? About seen all I need to with this coaching staff...
  10. Not a chance in HELL we even keep this close... Hell, I'm not even optimistic about the Browns at this point...
  11. and that there is the ball game
  12. On the two yard line you go shotgun?
  13. Anyone else think that they only major difference between those two photos is makeup and good lighting?
  14. "$2,563... $2,564... $2,567... Shoot, I lost count..."
  15. Isn't that like oxidation?
  16. The Music City Miracle all over again. Definitely a backward pass.
  17. I would've loved to see the employee just start counting the dollars like it was no big deal. Really, wasting this guy's time by not letting him make an ass out of himself in public is the only win in this situation.
  18. "Trayvon Martin Case" thread will never die, it's only just begun to fight!
  19. Can we go back to talking about DeLoreans? I feel that's about the last time this thread made sense...
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