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Everything posted by LikeIGiveADarn

  1. Few pages back. Apparently the jewelry was loaned to her, and has since been recovered and returned to the jewelry store. Going to guess the thief pawned it, and the police took it from the pawn shop.
  2. which has now been returned to it's rightful owner who was not Shady.
  3. Technically speaking, evictions are lawsuits.
  4. So at this point, we have no proof that McCoy beat his child, beat his dog, did PEDs, or had any previous domestic violence issues, and the only connection he has to this issue was a 911 call from a woman who was being sued by him.
  5. Because I she may possibly be a gold digger...
  6. So that's it then? This is all based on a hunch?
  7. I bet he throws cigarette butts out of the window driving down the highway...
  8. Shady's best friend was UNOFFICIALLY named a "person of interest". Has not been said anywhere else, and I'm assuming the only reason he may be a "person of interest" at all is because the victims named him as a friend of McCoy. Thank you for not giving money to Ben Allbright...
  9. 2% to 4% are PROVEN to be false. What are the statistics of unproven rape allegations and PROVEN rape allegations? I'm not saying that I know definitively what happened. No one here does. But, if I were going to build from the ground up a profile of a woman who would falsely accuse a man of something like this, it would this woman...
  10. I doubt the reporter's version of events is accurate. He come's across like a Jerry Sullivan type. Shady probably didn't like what was said, and this reporter probably gave him an attitude. Why do I get the feeling you and FadingPain are the same person? You seriously don't have multiple accounts, correct?
  11. So are all you posts sarcastic or do you genuinely have it out for Shady?
  12. Calling that young lad a freak is not very PC Teef...
  13. More than likely the victim blamed him, and the police want to talk to him.
  14. Pretty sure no one wants to pay for it, that's why it's not here. I guarantee it's nothing, just like all those "completely change the top 5 picks in the draft" nonsense he was posting back in April. Allbright is officially a hack...
  15. Yeah, feels like just a cash grab. BIG surprise coming from Albright...
  16. Which may be why he didn't contact her directly, which her lawyer is using against him.
  17. Not if he's in another state and there was no phone number available. Possibly McCoy changed his to avoid her.
  18. It's entirely possible that someone connected to both told McCoy about the allegations before they went public, so he didn't contact her.
  19. Problem with that is is that her only asset isn't going to pay the bills, or provide her with ANYWHERE NEAR the lifestyle she has been living. Getting a nice big settlement from McCoy, along with the mansion, would.
  20. You are operating under the assumption that she is a rational human being. She is an minor instagram model, who was golddigging a famous athlete, and squatting in his mansion. None of that screams "rational human being" to me.
  21. I think you are VERY much underestimating what a golddigger will do when she about to lose the lifestyle she is accustomed to.
  22. Still no evidence other than her testimony and accusations from her attorney, and the pattern of behavior just doesn't seem to add up to me. Why would McCoy spend a year's worth of legal fees, only to send in some goons at the finish line? Why would the accuser remove the security system? Why would the accuser's friend accuse McCoy of basically EVERYTHING recent NFLers have gotten in trouble for?
  23. Was that ever in question?
  24. Yes, it probably will. Death by a thousand cuts.
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