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Everything posted by pepsicat17

  1. My son and I were crying and hugging and going crazy. It is a good day
  2. If he stays healthy Shady should retire as a Buffalo Bill at this point. Imagine having him and a competent passing offense? Also he can help carry the load (as usual) for the huge cache of rookies coming in next season especially.
  3. Actually Gronk took himself out of the fins game.
  4. Can’t imagine any scenario that would result in Eli wanting to come play here. It’s possibly the worst situation for him to be in, he’s gonna want a championship caliber team ready to go for his last couple of years.
  5. Good, hard working guy, terrible QB. Three years is enough, time to move on.
  6. Their biggest blunder was not hiring a top football executive who has final say. Someone who knows the ins and outsof the game and all that goes along with that kind of position. I know there were feelers out for Polian, but when he said no it was like they just forgot about it. Instead they hired a rookie head coach to fill that role.
  7. I hope you’re right. We have so many holes to fill that having the QB set would *ahem* speed up the process(tm).
  8. What good would starting him week 13 do? 3 games is not enough to make any determination on his potential future. No more! Let's find out now if he's got the goods so we can go into the draft with that extra info. Would love to spend those draft picks on other areas of need on the team, namely just about every other position on the team.
  9. That's the one place Coach kinda got turned around a bit and I'm surprised the media in the room didn't pounce on it (well not really I guess). Since day one the entire front office and coaches, etc have been proclaiming were all in this together and such. To think that he benched his starting QB without consulting his OC is ridiculous - of course the OC had input in the decision. I'd be more concerned if he didn't but it is pretty obvious he did. We need to know going into the draft next year if NP is starter material or back-up as it has been decided that TT is not gonna work out. Bottom line, TT doesn't fit what the new staff, with 5 year contracts in hand, want to do going forward so he's gone. Good guy, I wish him well, but this needed to be done. It was clear TT was just a placeholder QB and I predict we draft a QB, no matter what NP does for the rest of the games and get a vet for camp and let them battle it out.
  10. This is a continuation of the draft day trade. We're switching schemes (again), all new coaches/front office personnel and ideas and they want players who fit. Also maybe one of the top QBs next draft. If Sammy had an above average/good season he would probably ask for top 5 money which no way in hell we were gonna give him that. I still think this is all about the future and getting prepared for the new QB in a couple of years. The next time we are real contenders we won't recognize many names on the team from the past line-ups. The majority of the team will be set up and ready to go and you add in the "sit on the bench for a year QB" and a few more pieces and their vision is in place... then we see why we will have. I'm sad Meatball will never see the playoffs.
  11. Kelly or Brady + cheating coach and organization? Brady is awesome no doubt but we will never know the extent that the cheating has had on the team as a whole. We don't know the results without all the Shady **** that was going down so I'll stick with Kelly.
  12. Die hard till I hopefully die pleasantly. Bills blood in my veins and I passed it onto the next generation with my son. Yea I want to win but I'm a Bills fan forever. Anyone who is not please take this opportunity to go away.
  13. I don't recall anyone saying this was a great year for QBs... actually it was said often that this was a down year for them and 2018 is the real QB draft. By just about everyone.
  14. Bye week 6 and 4 division games out of the last 5 with two against the pats*.... oh yea garbage prime time game and of course not at home. Terrible schedule.
  15. 17 years of "relax we are fine".... why do others feel the need to try to tell me how to feel about the football team I root for?? I'm not blind, I can see what going on, especially with the tough schedule we have and the big cap hit contracts we can't do anything about. We are clearly in a transition period and that's fine but don't tell me I have to be happy about the garbage plate we're about to witness as the Pats***** reload yet again. I'm willing to suffer another crap season or two I guess cause I have no choice, I'm a Bills fan, it's coded in my DNA by now but I'm sure as hell not just gonna smile and say everything's gonna be all right. It's not and it's clear as day we're in for a long season or two.
  16. He's getting ready to win the offseason!
  17. If you include everything I'm in the 5-10 range probably in the middle. Lots of jerseys, merchandise, only have a cable subscription to watch the games I don't go to in glorious 1080. Don't regret any of it though, have had great times, many great memories, my wife loves the Bills and my son is diehard as well. Some great family times and trips and now that my son is a bit older and starting to make his own life this is our everlasting connector (and other things but it is a strong one for sure). Matter of fact just went out with him last night to watch the championship games and we have set where we are going for the Super Bowl. Thinking about getting season tickets for 2018 when he's settled in his new job and hopefully my back is recovered. It will be great times when the Bills are in these playoff games again! I can tell you this, we will be at that playoff game when we make it no matter what the cost and I'm far far from wealthy. 10 years of fun, entertainment and experiences is well worth the $$$ in my opinion.
  18. Well didn't want to name anyone but.... yea. Although I still have high hopes for Lawson as a 4-3 end in the upcoming season.
  19. At least he's getting it over with now so he can start healing right away and not waiting till 2 months before the season starts. He's a WR who has had a bum foot for two years now and still was moderately productive when available to play... in pain. If he heals completely like all are hoping and whomever our QB is (not getting into that in a Sammy thread) treats him like the stud he is, he will be a monster for us. Even when the ball wasn't being thrown his way he was still open many, many times, with a broken foot... Let's hope all goes to plan and he gets back 100% next season. The kid is a gamer for sure.
  20. So you want the NFL to just wipe us out of the League? Cause that's what will happen if they get smaller... one of the first team to go would be the Bills.
  21. This could be one of the only coaching hires that could coax Kyle back, as long as we're not gonna blow it up in 2017 for the 2018 draft pick. Kyle is the exact kind of player the new coach seems to like and I'd bet an awful lot that Kyle likes this kind of no nonsense attitude from the new coach who will demand the players give their all to the team and hold them accountable if they don't. Not to mention he would most likely be back in the 4-3 attacking style DT that he is nearly elite level status in playing. If he's healthy I'd offer a 2 year extension with team and player option on year 3, pay up front guaranteed and cut his cap hit. Also, Washington is not ready to be full time quite yet and could use a little help from coach and Kyle to bring him along and that would also allow for Kyle to play fewer snaps overall. Honestly this is a perfect situation for Kyle to come back to if he still has the desire and health to do so. I for one hope he is here for out playoff game(s) in a year or two. He's been the highlight for a long part of our miserable years and want him here when thing should turn around. I really think we have the coach, now just hope we can get a good OC and possible QB if Tyrod is not in their plans.
  22. Sammys issues have been injury and QB related as well.
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