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scuba guy

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Everything posted by scuba guy

  1. I looked down saw your post show up and saw cook get the corner. We all make mistakes pit that was awesome
  2. Extra point is good yeah Mr bass
  3. That fg looked like a wounded duck
  4. That penalty should have been on the offense wtf
  5. Wow 6 min after the game is done and zero fans for the ravens left in the stadium
  6. To get a holiday game day check
  7. Nice always love to here people giving back.
  8. 17 people on that list yikes
  9. Nice I smoke the turkey on a green egg. A little behind right know but it will be done before 6pm.
  10. So sorry bad guy here not managing my post. I own 7 small businesses. And 22 employees. So I work they get vacation. Just stopped know at 120pm est. Yikes I know how that is My mouth is watering know dammit
  11. For those home and aboard please stay safe and have a wonderful Thanksgiving. And for those working like me enjoy your day.
  12. I could tell you that we loved playing on that field other teams players were always scared. We would put scare crows out that to freak people out. Good old days.
  13. True I lived in Marilla until I was 18 and we always had feet in are driveway. Used a bulldozer to plow.
  14. So in Rochester we call this the Wegmans report just go and spend lots on money on food. And the storm never comes
  15. Well I did just get back from Vegas
  16. Pat got a little lighter in the pocket book
  17. But but the eye in the sky is so fast. Ok yikes no catch and a face mask what are they watching
  18. Josh is know in second place in bills history for rushing tds
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