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scuba guy

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Everything posted by scuba guy

  1. The big problem here is the nfl and there transgressions to legislation of gambling. Many people always say it is all about the money 💰 well it is. We are the people and the fans that pay for all the overpriced merchandise beer and food. And I am sorry $100 bucks to park a car. Tuas family should speak out while they can and say how much is to much. Play with your kids enjoy your life. There are over 6 Dr's on this board and we have 1000 others that want to be. But listen to the real ones and just walk away with your dignity. I for one hate to see anyone hurt ever. Life is the most wonderful gift of all don't ruin it by playing another down for rich corporate types that make millions off your work. Thanks Dr for being this topic up. Have a great weekend bills fans and spend time with your families. FYI Dr I went to John Hopkins. (If you have every heard of that one). Humor
  2. I love to have Brown as my body guard also. Don't pick on my quarter back 😤.
  3. Love his step by step break downs of the film.
  4. Ball game on that run by davis
  5. It's Miller time again
  6. Watch out Rapp made a play on the other team
  7. Sorry to here that Virgil 😔 that is alot of time to be giving up
  8. Wtf did you say 18mill per year that is reseting the right tackle market. I say and why Man they are printing cash. How much is groot getting
  9. So 1) Murray could not throw into that wind 😳 so half the game no deal. 2) can we trade a bag of skittles and an extra 3rd pick for Marvin Jr. 3) let's make some cool aid 😎 and see how it pays out.
  10. I left when cards were up 17 to 3. Stayed outside and split 3 cords of wood. Came inside when we where up.
  11. You mean Thursday 😏
  12. Sorry 91 degrees in Miami and they win last second 😅. The players should take a stand
  13. There was a huge one ref let it go
  14. Huge hold on that td by arizona and no call wtf
  15. R u kidding me td for suoerman
  16. Yes that is why Josh got up so fast and yelled at the ref. On the corner of the TV view Edward's also saw it yellow at the ref and threw his hands up he was pissed also. No call after no call this season script has been written.
  17. Holding buffalo face mask
  18. It eas 4.7 seconds just rewatched it. Hate to say throw it away
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