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scuba guy

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Everything posted by scuba guy

  1. Why do i hold my breath every time he kicks
  2. H p w many,people left the room when he kicked that ball
  3. Ok I here the fat lady signing Time to go back to work
  4. Well for all the star hatters at least he does not get driven back 4 yards each play
  5. The laces were goi g the right way Or is it the wrong way bogo
  6. Well the good thing is it is over Stop crying man up Best thing i did was muted the second half
  7. I just called that could not type fast enough
  8. Edmunds turned the wrong way I boy
  9. Are you supposed to kick the laces of the ball
  10. Who said Phillips was not doing his part just drove though the a gap 2 times in a row
  11. I have to close my eyes to that hold on Jerry Hughes and Jefferson Don't call it ref just because both arms are behind there backs
  12. Fyi The titan players are gassed already Keep the offense out there as long as possible they will be done by the 4th quarter
  13. Compound frature
  14. That was a terrible injury I hope him the best
  15. Well New York New Jersey We're both new teams tks for the wellness you have showed 3 of my friends habe seasons to the jets well hopefully you don't have to what 17 years before you see the next playoffs O and let Miami win so they don't get better draft choices
  16. So it should say week 5 go it
  17. Great write up as always Shaw I item of note the pass from Josh in the first quarter to Davis for the td. Josh again extended the play ran around scandal the field and than like a,magician thru a ball,of his back foot running to the side line with no effort at all the pass was a thing of beauty. Maybe 3 qbs in the league make that pass
  18. I meant out for a play not series My bad The rule was changed after the Super Bowl between the bills and giants I believe there were four rule changes after that super bowl 1) injury 2) the tasker rule can't go out of bounds on kickoffs or punts Sorry don't remember the other ones
  19. The rule which was started after bill cheats in the Super Bowl with the bills and giants kmow states that a player who has been hurt has to leave for 1 series unless you take a time out than the player can come back in without missing a play
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