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Everything posted by don_of_manhattan

  1. check out the closeups - there is MAJOR talent on that Ben-Gals squad - MAJOR talent
  2. Isn't it about money with these guys - if Ralph dangles money in front of their noses, they'll be here - whether we have a shot to win will probably mean more than that vote - he is a small revenue guy - he is justified in voting against it.
  3. ANYWHERE racism rears its ugly head, it should be dealt with head-on. Let's give others a chance to LEAD - following gets old to ambitious people - black people too believe it or not....
  4. NO, it's a response to racism....
  5. It is not just about qualification - it is about interest, which leads to persons getting themselves qualified and it is also about the qualified persons have fair opportunity to compete. I don't think that qualified white men think they don't have a fair chance to compete for open slots - affirmative action came about because qualified people where consistently passed over for opportunities. It can get pretty complicated.
  6. you go...somebody has a damn clue around here!
  7. okay, so you really believe that people get into college just based on grades - if so, then you probably believe that America is a true meritocracy....I have a bridge for sale in Arizona if believe any of the aforementioned...Colleges skew admissions to put together classes based on all sorts of categories - athletics, geography (must have a certain number of Nebraska folks at Harvard), family connections....don't get so caught up in the race thing - if you don't get into Harvard, some kid in Oklahoma got your spot, the numbers of blacks in the elite schools and high, high paying jobs is still woefully small.
  8. didn't some great songwriter say 'love the one you're with'....yesterday I hated Juaron - today I, well, I almost love him....
  9. I said that a million times - I didn't believe you anyway - welcome back!
  10. Where in Jersey do you live? I live in South Orange
  11. You really want EM gone - you must be kidding me
  12. Merry Christmas to you as well and Happy Holidays to my non-Christian colleagues.
  13. You are entitled to your opinion - at the end of the day, I think all of us love the Bills pretty hard and just want a winner - I'd like to see them gone if big names are available, but I truly think they will be back next year.
  14. NO - No retread unless he is a BIG name with a RING!
  15. agreed - I can't believe anybody who is thinking really wants Moulds off of this team - fire the lame ass coach in inept GM - has anyone ever considered his behavior might be the response to some horrible managing by the staff - this is a fiasco...
  16. This was a great post! Please fire Donahoe and Mularkey - PLEASE! What will it take - this guy is worse than greg williams...
  17. the only positive is that this should seal the fate of td and his bull&%# coaching staff
  18. I live in NJ, but work for a company in the Raleigh-Durham area of NC. It is really nice there. Each of the three cities has a different character and all have their advantages and disadvantages. Property values have risen some, but there are still some magnificent deals to be had, especially if you do not mind being off the beaten path. The weather is mild and it is probably one of the more cosmopolitan places in the country - lots of people have moved there from everywhere - high percentage of college graduates as well.
  19. I won't say how, but I am a 'confidence' pool with Mike...you pick every game and give each game and starting with 16 points you give points to each game (16 points to your most confident pick, 15 to the next and so on...). Overall, Mike has done really well, but this might have been his worst week....could be a little frustrating - I think lots of us gave big points to the giants and atlanta this week only to realize that these teams won't win all of the games they are supposed to
  20. Isn't that what we supposedly have for president right now? Be careful what you ask for....
  21. AMEN! The coaching is starting to scare me! Less than 20 carries for stud rb like McGahee - on the road - are you kidding me?
  22. You are preaching to the choir, my friend - JP is not the world's most accurate passer - he has his own set of problems, but I don't see why the offensive coaching staff keeps putting the game in his hands - puzzling?????
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