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Everything posted by don_of_manhattan

  1. So true. I live in Jersey and hope to get up there sometime.
  2. That was a GREAT read - thanks for posting! I found some of the commentary so unnecessarily harsh. The tone he took in the last paragraph could have been used throughout.
  3. How cool is that? Congrats! I have the coolest little Buffalo Bills warmup that both of my girls wore as babies. Contact me at dm92@aol.com if you are interested in it. I'd be happy to pass it on.
  4. Debatable, but I have to give it to Jimbo.
  5. My son - but it would be hard. Of course, I only have daughters, so it is a mute point. However, I would even support a son-in-law.
  6. Jets over Indy - Vikes over Saints - Vikes in the SB [Minnesota finally gets one]
  7. I agree with you. You have to be careful when consuming sports media - it is just like the regular media - under researched, with a herd mentality. This article wasn't worth the paper it was written on. Let us determine if we are freezing and playing games in Toronto just might help keep this franchise in the area. This is just stupid.
  8. It is what it is = let's get excited about it - you never know.
  9. In my humble opinion, I agree with you.
  10. You must be able to do better than that!
  11. You'll have a great time! I hope they win.
  12. He made the bucks a respectable organization and it could be argued that the SB the won the year after he was canned was because of him - he should be THRILLED if he is interested.
  13. I took it that way as well. I've spent a little time there - it is a very nice city. However, like many sunbelt cities that have grown in the last 30 years, it is not a very cultural place.
  14. This is a good, but the Bills first home playoff loss to the jags in Dec '96 was a pretty bad one as well.
  15. I just got back as well - what a sloppy game! The jests fans are still a miserable lot.
  16. A winner???? I guess someone who gets on the radio and says that drug addicts should go to jail for life then sends his housekeeper to score illegal meds for him is a winner - right. Making lots of money by throwing flames does not make you a winner.
  17. Rush painted himself as a racist - you should listen more often.
  18. There is a big difference between a race hustler and a racist.
  19. Save all of the meaningless elitist this, elitist that crap. The only people calling President Obama a mesiah are people who hate him politcally. Also, quit pretending 'middle Americans' who are church going (I happen to also attend church) are the only hard working people in this country. Do you really think that all of the people, like me, who gave Obama money are waiting for a friggin' fu%$%ing handout???? I gurantee you that neither you nor any farmer has worked harder than my friends and me and we don't live in middle America. Quit your claim to self righteousness - it makes you look stupid!
  20. If he get fired tomorrow, I will buy you a drink and SEND IT TO YOU!
  21. I was told by a friend in Chicago that I would rue the day DJ was hired - I just hate him now! The positive is that my fall Sunday afternoons are freed up now.
  22. No, rush is a right-wing, conservative LIAR, CRIMINAL, HATER OF THE U.S. CONSTITUTION, STICK IN THE MUD, HOUSE SITTER ABUSER and OVERALL PUSHER IN NON-PRODUCTIVE ATTITUDES. The William Buckleys of the world cringe when this baffoon hits the air. He is not a conservative, he is a dangerous blowhard trying hard to move America back to a time that no longers exists. He is sad, pathetic and dangerous and he is NOT going to get a team - the NFL doesn't need to hassle.
  23. It is not going to perform because too many players will refuse the play - this is an idea whose time will NOT come to pass.
  24. You are SO right. The NFL is more afraid of that kind of sandal/publicity than you can imagine. Don't tell me that organized players can't affect where they play (ever heard of Manning and Elway). I hope the NFL tries it and it will become a bigger nightmare than they could ever imagine.
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