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Everything posted by don_of_manhattan

  1. Whether we admit it or not - profiling goes on ALL the time.....The danger with only stopping arab men is that we'll likely miss some nutjob aryan looking recruit - and don't tell me that there is not at least one out there - who is willing to do their dirty work. A good security system checks everyone thoroughly.
  2. Thanks much for the update - I look forward to your future posts!
  3. Besides being dishonest, why would you put yourself in a less advantaged situation. Have you ever thought about the fact that any company that has a 'need' for diversity has probably passed over tons of qualified minority candidates and that is why they want 'diversity'. There is solid evidence that significant numbers of minority applications get purposely passed over because that is just the way it is. We do not have a level playing field in this country - quit fooling yourselves with the 'best applicant' bull*&%^ - racism is still alive and well.
  4. We had the same option when I attended high school in Buffalo - being in the locker room without clothes was not considered a big deal - we also had group showers
  5. a tad lacking on the derriere for my tastes....
  6. maybe because we toppled their government and their security forces perhaps? this is what happens when you meddle where you have no business in a part of the world that is a friggin' tender box - it won't get any better until the last one is gone! we should have predicted this - it is a volatile place.
  7. If someone here is a history buff - please straighten this out for me - but weren't the kurds, shiites and sunis three different sets of people before britain redrew some middle eastern maps years ago? these folks will never get along. sadam (a suni) held up his people at the expense of the other groups - the fact that they all happen to be muslim is inconsequential - they HATE each other and will continue to hate each other for the rest of time - we will NEVER change that.
  8. The correct response would be 'some people, based on circumstances and things they have dealt with in life - racially, have been GIVEN thin skins - it gets tiresome.
  9. I don't remember hearing or reading that any troops were totally without armor - what I have been made to understand is that they don't ALL have the best that money can buy - aren't support troops very often put in harm's way? Haven't some of them dealth with safety issues by using scrap metal to help equip their vehicles?
  10. I assume from your trite remarks that you don't have loved ones or kids over there - that is part of the problem with this war and Vietnam - part of the population fights and dies in it, the other part gets to pontificate over it.....all who believe in this war should strap on some gear and get their asses to iraq with a quickness.
  11. there was no recourse, too many people had too much to lose and were in on the MASSIVE coverup - he did the illegal, but RIGHT thing.
  12. He did what he did because evidence was being destroyed by his boss and the DOJ was not doing its job - Nixon was about to fire the special prosecuter - it was a mess! Now all of Nixon's cohorts are running around the real issue here and denigrading Felt - have they no damn shame? What ever happened to apologizing and moving on.
  13. Americans are all that matter? It's too bad you feel that way - I thought they were human beings as well. What about the 1600 Americans who have died over there for nothing. You can't justify a bad war by losing valiant soldiers - that is what makes fighting a meaningless war so wrong. I fear that we will leave that place and it will turn out just like Vietnam - we could have accomplished that with far less than 50,000 dead Americans.
  14. Typical Liberal - you are kidding - right - what does this have to do with being a Liberal - you need to wake up - how many of the chicken-hawks running this country now did everything they did (albeit legal) to avoid military service during their younger years and continue to do things not in the favor of the troops - like sending them to iraq without the proper armor - troops trying to equip their humvees with scrap metal for protection is an atrocity in a war that was elective, where we chose the time to attack. LIBERALS have been at the helm of more American military victories than any other group if we must look at it that way. Conservatives don't love this country ANY more than Liberals - in fact, if you are concerned
  15. How cool is that! Nothing in the world beats that feeling - my kids (8 and 3 year-old girls) have worn Bills jumpers, bibs, you name it. At the age of 2 1/2, (we live in NJ), my wife took her to a party where the jests game was on and she said that she liked football and someone jokingly asked her if she liked the jests and she told them 'we don't like them - we only like the Buffalo Bills!"
  16. once he told them his mother was in Irag and she was on the phone - those clueless sobs should have backed off and let him have his conversation - there is so little real real respect for our troops and the sacrifices they make the fight this meaningless war - let her have an friggin conversation with her son - nothing going on in that school was more important than that
  17. Where in jersey are you - I live in South Orange
  18. I got called to serve in Essex County, New Jersey about a year and a half ago. I work in investment management sales for a small money manager in North Carolina (however, I live in NJ) and it was the worst possible time. They sent me to the jury room for a murder case and when they asked for hardship cases I told them that quite frankly it was a tough time for me professionally, I was not capable of focusing on this situation, I missed a couple of important meetings during the three days it took me to get to that point and let them know that I would be an empty juror - they let me out. I understand the whole civic duty thing, but that burden is not distributed evenly because some people are less dispensable at their jobs than others - either because of the company's size or the nature of the job. I've known people that have had to close retail businesses while they served on jury duty - they weren't paying me enough a day to cover gas.
  19. Actually, local papers say that the taxpayers will foot more than $900 million - the stadium is expected to cost almost $1.7 billion (with a 'b') dollars. Bloomberg really doesn't care much about the jests, he wants to say that he lured the Olympics to NYC. This is in a city where more than half of the schools do not even have operational gymnasiums - unbelievable.
  20. It was pretty cool - they gated off a small piece of the bed so that you could walk where water normally flows.
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