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Andrew Son

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Posts posted by Andrew Son

  1. you're not seeing the point if Mario was not beating blockers AND not giving effort wouldn't anyone be better? Wouldn't a good coach do something about it?

    The point is not that Mario is completely awful, it's that he can not make what he is going to make next year and must be released.


    People saying that it's Rex's fault that Mario wasn't the same player as last year clearly didn't watch Mario. He was however better than the scrubs on the bench

  2. The Broncos invested a recent 2nd round pick in Montee Ball in 2013 and took Hillman in the 3rd in 2012


    Stewart was a 1st round pick by Carolina and is the 7th highest paid back in the league


    Leveon Bell was a 2nd round pick and the 2nd back picked in his draft


    Peterson was a 1st round pick and is the highest paid back in the league


    Lacy was a 2nd round pick


    Jamaal Charles was a 3rd round pick and was the 8th highest paid back


    Marshawn was obviously originally a 1st rounder, he was the 2nd highest paid back last year


    Arian Foster was the 3rd highest paid back last year




    Shady was ostensibly a 2nd round pick and was the 4th highest paid back last year. Seems like the Bills are on a pretty similar grounds in regards to "investments" in running backs.

    Good post


    I don't think his job is dependent on it at this point in his tenure. Like it or not, he's an institution over there.



    There are no threads started for that....yet there weekly there is "I hate Sully" thread, as though each one offers a unique take that all the others have not.


    So no, it's not like that at all.


    You are pretending to miss the point. No one has said anything like that or even claimed Sully was a decent writer.

    I see, so starting a thread is more important than posting in one

  4. LOLZZ! Pot meet kettle. 16 years, no playoffs means everything the Bills do is dumb or stupid. Don't tell me anything positive because 16 year playoff drought means everything sucks. I've got yer groupthink right here.

    C'mon Promo, I think they are on to something! If you are able to free yourself of the shackles of "groupthink" you will be able to see that sully is basically the second coming of Shakespeare


    It's not just being a devil's advocate. It's questioning the group mindthink---"Sully bad, I will not even look at what he writes because he's bad and I disagree with his viewpoint often".


    Why anyone would get this worked up about a character like Sully is odd. Why someone would go as far as to block themselves from even seeing what another person writes because you don't like them is beyond my ability to comprehend. This is akin to leaving the room when a certain character/actor you don't "like" comes onscreen in a TV show.





    It's almost like getting worked up enough to respond to people who get worked up about Sully


    It's not just being a devil's advocate. It's questioning the group mindthink---"Sully bad, I will not even look at what he writes because he's bad and I disagree with his viewpoint often".


    Why anyone would get this worked up about a character like Sully is odd. Why someone would go as far as to block themselves from even seeing what another person writes because you don't like them is beyond my ability to comprehend. This is akin to leaving the room when a certain character/actor you don't "like" comes onscreen in a TV show.





    Does anyone really believe that Sully's current and future employment at TBN is dependent on clicks?

    It's not something he's evaluated by?


    Not hard at all. What you describe is me. I was just wondering why people would want to hide the fact they are reading a certain writer's stuff.


    The post in question said "if you hate them both as much as I do" and then went on to describe a method for continuing to read the hated writer's pieces without the website owner's knowledge. I find that odd, maybe childish, that's all.

    Maybe because they know that the writer is evaluated by "clicks" and they would prefer said writer be fired for a better alternative? Still hard to understand?

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