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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. Easy. How about if Grandpa needs medical attention but all emergency services are out assisting stranded morons?
  2. Yeah, click on their name and go to profile. Next to their name there will be a little symbol you can click on to get name history
  3. Sounds fine until emergency services are overwhelmed
  4. I don’t see where they would get tickets from
  5. He only got in due to injury but performed well and they are riding the hot hand
  6. The state of emergency was declared around noon.
  7. Those wagon wheels were even harder to repair
  8. You want to show some stats to backup these claims? I don't see anything where PIT is a much better- if better at all- run team.
  9. That’s obviously the answer, until it isn’t.
  10. And Klein. We're deep. Guys like Rapp and Dotson going down is not really going to move the needle, IMO
  11. We should be able to survive this one without Douglas. It's great news that he is close enough not to be ruled out, should be back next week then
  12. Yes, literal coin flip. Either that or we're 10 point favorites...
  13. I had the exact same experience with crack. Tried it once, amazing. And never again. Coke nights were a lot of fun and go well with heavy drinking. Working in bars/restaurants for so long it seemed to be the normal lifestyle. probably the substances I enjoyed the most were ecstasy followed by acid/mushrooms. Now I don’t even drink coffee! Tea is as extreme as I get!
  14. These types of stats can be skewed when you have a running QB
  15. College ball is all about recruiting IMO.
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