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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. lol. ”Futurist” living in the past.
  2. 10-3 late in the 4th? McD must be drooling over some of these players!
  3. I love that you're a staunch Allen believer, as I respect your opinion. Makes me feel better. Personally, I'm concerned.
  4. Must have tugged a couple to the left
  5. I don't think Biscuit has had to write a new post in years. He just copies and pastes from a word doc of his greatest hits.
  6. I'm sick of losing to them. This does nothing for me, we've lost close before.
  7. Turnovers were the difference, IMO. Too much hero ball cost us. A punt isn't the worst thing with this D.
  8. I think Gore still has a big day in him, and today's the day. Pats* are light in the pants in the front 7. That's how we win, we use their formula from the last couple years- pound them on the ground.
  9. I'm envisioning a long and illustrious TBD posting career for LOLBildos.
  10. Correct, they tied!!!! Your're getting it!!!!
  11. I'm going to have to disagree with you since the Lions have a tie.
  12. By my math, that's one loss out of 4... Sounds right
  13. I'm hoping to see the Bills bat a lot of balls in defense of the short passing game.
  14. Guys, take it easy on him, he's still trying to figure out ideal gas law.
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