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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. I thought he went in and out of the break very carefully. Wasn't sudden.
  2. Usually you just get a jersey in exchange for a BJ, not the actual player.
  3. You said the scripted plays lost the game. I simply pointed out that the scripted plays consisted of a fluke interception off of the WR's hands while moving the ball, and then a 15 play TD drive.
  4. I'm talking about play three, and then the entirety of their second drive which ended in a TD.
  5. lol. The scripted plays consisted of a pass (that would have been a first down) bouncing off of the receivers hands for an INT- and then a TD drive... Please.
  6. let's not go crazy. lol. I mean, CMAC and Kamara are in the league.
  7. I've been trying to find something, has there been one comment- by anyone- about the Tre injury???
  8. They are also coming off a "bye" which means our next two opponents will be coming off more rest, and have more time to prepare than us- that was not originally scheduled and out of no fault of our own. And if it is found that the Titans were negligent, which it appears they were, then we are indeed getting screwed.
  9. Still need tomorrow... and Sunday, and Monday, and Tuesday...
  10. What are the odds the Titans don't have any more positives? Seems low at this point.
  11. Problem is, at some point the ***** Titans need to stop testinig positive!
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