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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. I think the one who makes the definitive statement bears the burden of proof, but that's just me.
  2. I don't think they "intentionally" lose in this scenario, but it allows them to rest all their starters week 17 with the advantage of also getting a better playoff matchup. No brainer really. They accomplish this goal by resting the starters. The backups who play will obviously try.
  3. Just a street??? Why not go all the way, Joshalo, NY has a nice ring to it.
  4. He was the key to the game. HIs handling of Watt allowed us to double Heyward who was killing us. I hope we find a way to keep him. Now that we have Allen- invest in that line.
  5. Or how about the HUGE mistake of hiring the HC before the GM! That will never work! 😂 😂 The thing is, no one cares if you get things wrong. We all do. It's the ridiculous clinging to getting everything right, and then claiming superiority that rubs people the wrong way. We get it. It's been a bull market for questioning the Bills organization for 20+ years. Congratulations on riding that wave @BADOLBILZ. But it looks like you might be holding that short position a bit too long.
  6. Wow, what a gem this thread has turned into! How I wish to cultivate a football intelligence even approaching @BADOLBILZ Lets recap some of the G.O.A.T's greatest hits- Of course we have to start with that incredible Shady McCoy take. The call that Shady will be doing radio by 2016, that you somehow have claimed victory on, is definitely my favorite. Buffalo Barbarian has trade Mario for Skelton, this one is your Picasso. A close second has to be McDermott being Jauron 2.0. We can tie that in with the huge mistake not to hire an offensive minded coach, like Anthony Lynn, because that is how you win in today's NFL! And lets not forget the HUGE mistake letting the Patriots poach Mike Gilllisee and his 5.7 yards per carry! 😂 😂😂 Definitely the G.O.A.T of something! We would all do well to develop some of that self confidence, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Congrats, Beane!
  7. Wind hurts us more, IMO. Pitt passing game is mostly short quick stuff.
  8. To my eyes, I think that while he often beats the tackle, he comes flying in at the QB to "hot" and out of control. One slight move by the QB and Hughes flies right by. That said, great player that really affects the opposing QB- sacks or no.
  9. So I assume this is still fantasy week 12? Waivers must then run Wednesday night I guess?
  10. I'm a fan of guys that are really good at something, even if it's only one thing. He's elite on the jet sweep. Could someone else do it? Sure, but not as well.
  11. When you have a weapon like Klein, you have to use it.
  12. Fox again? If the road team is AFC, isn't it CBS?
  13. I imagine they keep him out next week too with the bye on deck.
  14. Maybe we can get Jauron back? only 3 playoff years out of 4 after a 17 year drought??? This "process" crap needs to go.
  15. Heads up play by Matakavich was huge
  16. This is probably your best prognostication!
  17. You know what would make this game monumental??? A $15k wager!!!
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