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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. You're safe here. We're very accepting. Although, not too sure what you see in teef
  2. The bye is really the bigger issue, IMO
  3. lol, I've never seen so much hyperbole about a player. Surprised Spencer Odgen Munoz isn't already on the wall of fame.
  4. If the Bears had drafted Mahomes, it would have been a fantastic trade. It didn't work out because Trubisky busted. But, IMO, the logic was sound. Pay that money with a promising QB on a rookie deal.
  5. In general you can't predict injuries. But we saw first hand that Sammy didn't take care of himself physically and that shows up in all the nagging injuries. I mean the guy was out playing pickup basketball games at LA Fitness while he was too injured to play football. Idiot removed his own cast a home too... Identifying proper character goes into making a draft pick.
  6. LOL, if they take Woods off the field for Beckham they're idiots
  7. Don't love Edmunds missing this game. With White dinking and dunking over the middle, I'd almost rather be without Tre in this one than Edmunds.
  8. Imagine, everyone's favorite whipping boy, Dropson Knox, and a raw rookie 5th round pick- with a year plus playing experience at the FCS level after transitioning from playing TE in 8 man football- being so important to this team.
  9. The point is that it happens all the time and is not flagged. Like constantly. Then, all of a sudden, in this situation they call it?
  10. Just add up all those titles!
  11. It's not like we were walking in there undefeated. How Many wake-up calls do we need?
  12. I think having knox to threaten the seem is how they plan to attack cover 2
  13. Why can't there be a malcontent diva guard out there?
  14. Have to pay his current salary if claimed?
  15. lol. Yeah, It's that simple. Not like his presence alone dictates the entire defensive scheme or anything...
  16. It's so dumb for players to engage with these "fans." It's a no win situation. Plus, you can't broadly define a fanbase by a handful of vocal idiots online.
  17. It was brutal. Everyone started creeping up and tanny was just hitting the easy throws in the vacated spots. Felt like we had no chance to make another stop
  18. He wasn't good, but most reasonable people could see the potential and understand his rawness and the historical learning curve for the position. The "criticism" was basically that "he sucks" and we need to move on and find somebody else. Take the L. But nope, now we get Badol'ian argument shifts- "well, he did suck so I was right!"
  19. Very interesting game. IMO, Bills have- by far- the better roster. But, Chiefs have Mahomes, Hill, and Kelce. From a team building perspective, what's better? Having that complete roster or having those few mega-elite stars?
  20. Yeah, that sucks. Sometimes I would like to watch the full game replay to get a better feel for the game, but not anymore. Strictly the condensed games now. I can't complain too much as I get it free with my season tickets. But if I paid for it I would be pissed.
  21. Related to his personal life, it could be a big deal. If he was actually a competant head coach, it certainly wouldn't be a fireable offense. Bigger issue seems to be he has completely lost the locker room.
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