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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. Expects him to recover and 110% certain he'll start the next week are not the same thing. It is odd that he said that as coaches are usually conservative in that regard
  2. Now we are all talking about this "110%" comment and not EJ's injuries. Seems smart to me.
  3. Fair points, and everyone is going to have their own opinion. By my eyes Watkins is a dynamic athlete and playmaker. I have little doubt his skill set will translate well to the next level. I have concerns about Evans ability to separate at the next level. Some of the plays I see him making have manziel scrambling around, extending plays and then just throwing it up for the WR to make a play.
  4. Obviously the comparison isn't hardy to Evans, it's Evans to Watkins. Watching them both play I think it's obvious who the better player is. I think people may agree that Watkins is better but still want Evans because of his size, and our lack of WR size. That is where the comparison to hardy comes in, and is relevant. Do you take a less talented player just on the basis of size? I dont think so. It's idiotic to think anyone is comparing Evans to hardy.
  5. God, I remember all this talk about WR size the year we took Hardy. It was the same year Desean Jackson came out. The general consensus was that we didn't need another roscoe, we needed a guy like Hardy. Size is secondary to the ability to play. Watkins is a stud and far superior IMO
  6. For all the talk about the poor decision making of this organization would anyone trade Hughes and hogan for Shepard and Rogers?
  7. I don't disagree but do you think the NFL looks at the crazies as a positive part of the atmosphere, of as something they just have to deal with? I think if the NFL could make more money by priceing out that fan, with more luxury boxes or PSC licenses, they would be all for it. Unfortunately, that model would not work in buffalo and makes me scared for the future of the team.
  8. Interesting... I wonder why all these new stadiums are being filled up with luxury boxes
  9. Ha, I can assure you the NFL is looking for a "solution." The bar at 2am is not a multi-billion dollar industry looking to protect it's interests from possible litigation. Regardless of how you feel about the situation- change is coming as the NFL, and the world as a whole, becomes more corporate.
  10. It wasn't trashing, it told a story while painting a pretty accurate picture. Other events are irrelevant to this story and our situation.
  11. Completely agree with that. Also, banning alcohol in the stadium would probably worsen the situation as people would try to drink more beforehand. The problem I see is not the consequences these people bring upon themselves, but the environment they create for others. I have the right to not have beer spilled all over me, get puked on, be in the middle of a fight, or any number of situations that happen regularly at the ralph. Heaven forbid I'm a fan of another team... The behavior I see is embarrassing. It’s like buying a ticket gives some people the right to act like complete animals. Ultimately it is up to me whether or not to attend the games, no one is forcing me. However, I feel this environment has caused many good fans, especially those with families, to skip going to games. I don’t know what the solution is. There is no easy way to fix the problem while not ruining the excellent tailgating environment for the vast majority that act socially responsible. I think the main drivers for this environment are well beyond the control of the bills. They are far reaching including many social and economic factors of the area. The most important factor the bills could control, in my opinion, is putting a better product on the field. This would shift the focus from the party to the game
  12. I think you're onto something... It was probably the noise that led to that kid being face down in a stream...
  13. Maybe he was never going to learn his lesson without being cut... You would think going undrafted would have been a wakeup call. Anyways, I think he'll cause more problems than solutions moving forward- especially if he gets a little taste of success. Also, I'm really excited and looking forward to the weekly updates in this thread...
  14. Good point. I'm going to research the last time all teams have made the playoffs, just for perspective.
  15. Great. On top of the scheduling issues we now lead the league in teams played that have just signed HOF players... Get on the horn Russ...
  16. The schedule is favorable but this is th NFL. 7 straight wins is unlikely even if they were all against the Jags.
  17. Seems reasonable to me. Rookie QB comes back from injury to lead 3-6 team to 7 straight victories and a playoff berth. What's hard to believe?
  18. I don't necessary see that right now. He is obviosly playing at an extremly high level right now, higher than EJ ever did in college in fact. However, I have a hard time comparing the two right now. First the talent issue. I don't see Jameis as an explosive athelete, in fact it looks to me like EJ is probably faster. Also, someone mentioned his steller mechanics. I don't really see that either. He seems to have a long release and has a bit of a vince young "flick." Second the overall team is much better than it has been in years. I can't really think of an FSU WR that has been drafted very high in the last few years, now it looks like they have two studs. I think that it is WAY to early for all of these definative statements that are coming out, but that is the world today.
  19. I predict a big day for Easley. I bet he has been working with Thad a lot.
  20. And they've played the only game so far! Amazing! The legend continues...
  21. I believe that marrone was challenging that Cameron stepped out of bounds before the pass interference, which he did. Would have been a good challenge exept illegal contact was called, not pass interference, which could not be challenged.
  22. Cost us the game. There is this rule where if you kick the ball real high the other team will fair catch. That first return was the worst. Kicked from about mid field there is rarely a return...
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