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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. Mack's not an ILB, he's a pass rusher and the superior talent. I'd pass on Mosley. I agree, you don't take an ILB that high, unless he's super special.
  2. Maybe he needs to put together his staff quickly and this is the best he could do. Maybe he thinks he is an absolutely amazing coach, I don't know. I do know that it is ridiculous to think that it is some sort of message to Marrone.
  3. We went out and got arguably the best guy out there and still kept our best assistant in Henderson. There is nothing to complain about except to complain. Our defense will be just fine and might actually stop the run.
  4. Very impressive that our first year coach's assistants are all being hired for promotions.
  5. No arguing that. All I'm saying is these QB's are not all that. Any QB would be successful on these teams.
  6. Exactly. No one talks about all the mistakes because the D's pick them up
  7. yes, I'm sorry, these guys are just like Brady, manning and Brees. They carry their teams. I'm sure there is no way they would be seen as busts if they were drafted by the bills
  8. It's not even debatable, always take the safety. Dierdorf sounded like an idiot
  9. What I'm not seeing enough of, in this beaten to death thread, is why every other team passed on him? Are they all idiots too?
  10. I see Dez. Best player in the draft, don't think he'll last to 9...
  11. Expects him to recover and 110% certain he'll start the next week are not the same thing. It is odd that he said that as coaches are usually conservative in that regard
  12. Now we are all talking about this "110%" comment and not EJ's injuries. Seems smart to me.
  13. Fair points, and everyone is going to have their own opinion. By my eyes Watkins is a dynamic athlete and playmaker. I have little doubt his skill set will translate well to the next level. I have concerns about Evans ability to separate at the next level. Some of the plays I see him making have manziel scrambling around, extending plays and then just throwing it up for the WR to make a play.
  14. Obviously the comparison isn't hardy to Evans, it's Evans to Watkins. Watching them both play I think it's obvious who the better player is. I think people may agree that Watkins is better but still want Evans because of his size, and our lack of WR size. That is where the comparison to hardy comes in, and is relevant. Do you take a less talented player just on the basis of size? I dont think so. It's idiotic to think anyone is comparing Evans to hardy.
  15. God, I remember all this talk about WR size the year we took Hardy. It was the same year Desean Jackson came out. The general consensus was that we didn't need another roscoe, we needed a guy like Hardy. Size is secondary to the ability to play. Watkins is a stud and far superior IMO
  16. For all the talk about the poor decision making of this organization would anyone trade Hughes and hogan for Shepard and Rogers?
  17. I don't disagree but do you think the NFL looks at the crazies as a positive part of the atmosphere, of as something they just have to deal with? I think if the NFL could make more money by priceing out that fan, with more luxury boxes or PSC licenses, they would be all for it. Unfortunately, that model would not work in buffalo and makes me scared for the future of the team.
  18. Interesting... I wonder why all these new stadiums are being filled up with luxury boxes
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