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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. It's nice to get attention but it's certainly not the only reason for fandom
  2. First of all you did ask me. Second, you think your going to come on this board, full of passionate bills fans, as say we only care about them for the media attention? Your obviously just trolling for reactions.
  3. I'm certainly not going to lay out all of my deep seated emotions regarding the Bills for you. I can tell you that what someone on ESPN says has literally no bearing.
  4. I hope you're trolling or else this is really sad.
  5. Maybe we should have him sit out until we have a tough opponent
  6. Just wait till we take the cheaters*** to the woodshed. It's going to get crazy!
  7. I think I'll wait to visit until about 4:00 Sunday
  8. I wonder when was the last time the Pats*** weren't favored against us?
  9. I say he catches a pass, runs the wrong way into the patriots end zone, does the snow shovel dance and jumps in the crowd.
  10. Ok, I have a solution. The Bills should have a fleet of golf carts personally picking up everyone making sure they get to the gates on time. While were on this, I think we should expand this line of thinking. Why should I have to wait in line for the new Iphone? The new Madden? Anything? I pay good money!!!!
  11. Nobody said to get to the gates earlier?
  12. Picked up two 6 packs at East Ave Wegs in Rochester this afternoon
  13. Horses get put down Off to the glue factory Neck beard stuck to turf
  14. Don't forget that we start a four year Super Bowl run every 25 years
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