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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. Doesn't sound great on Smith. I don't take him before round 4 with all the defensive talent in this draft. And I loved smith as a player
  2. I hope Shaq Lawson doesn't blow it up today. I think this is the guy Rex needs
  3. I think Morgan could be a fit
  4. Maybe. They could also hang that screen shot of him being blocked by Sproles in his locker...
  5. Exactly. He keeps talking about attacking but when he gets handled one on one with a TE, what do you do with him?
  6. My only glimmer of hope on Mario is the possibility that he was playing hurt last year. If not, he's awful
  7. Correct, my bad
  8. Ridiculous argument. Completely different offense's with one having Brady
  9. It's hard for me to think he's underrated the way those towel waving idiots chant his name on every touch.
  10. The 2016 Buffalo Bills: Winning isn't everything
  11. Immigration reform is an important issue that needs to be debated. I'm pretty sure the dialogue can be continued without taking a run a the pope... But hey, maybe it's a brilliant campaign strategy
  12. I'm pretty sure this trick won't sit too well with the GOP base. I find it hilarious that the leading GOP candidate is taking shots at the Pope.
  13. There's been some inflation
  14. I know the Donald was worked up about it because he fired back. Brilliant strategy
  15. Nice. We were running the "Sphinx Defense"
  16. Is anything not this at this point?
  17. You must not have watched him much then, his movement was a thing of beauty. Amazing. Except for that last year where he held out and didn't care...
  18. I think that's the nature of the position in general
  19. How on earth did we go into last year without at least one true nose?
  20. I'm in, def a big need. Prob won't be that expensive
  21. Absence (from the playoffs) makes the heart grow fonder
  22. He was great and I would think there would be more discussion about him as such. That's why I think he's underrated
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