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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. I never knew WEO was such a Hogan supporter, I wonder what changed to make him a fan?
  2. I'm surprised the pats* didn't recieve a 1st round comp pick for losing their first round pick. Looks like the NFL tried to make it up to them the best they could though, with 4 picks...
  3. Fair, enough. I'm on my phone and am heading out so I don't have the time to fully engage. Have a good evening gents
  4. There are extremes to everything. Currently, the campaign financing system is broken. Is the customer not a stakeholder closely related to shareholder wealth? Obviously, corporations and big business do not always act in the most responsible manner.
  5. Bernie is far from a perfect candidate. However, I believe that getting big money out of politics is a MAJOR issue.
  6. Yes, exactly. Corporations have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize shareholder wealth, regardless of other impacts, creating the need for regulation.
  7. Part of it is passed on to the consumer, sure, based on the elasticity of said good or service And because they can, which should change Yeah, I'm sure the decreased tax expense will just flow right down to decreased prices- not to shareholder profits...
  8. That's a great plan to decrease corporate taxation. Just what the middle class needs...
  9. Don't worry, the benefits will trickle down!
  10. I see very little downside to signing him to a big contract. What could go wrong?
  11. What do you think Edelman and Amendola would have looked like in our Offense?
  12. People are grasping at straws to reinforce their position that he stinks now that the Pats* gave him 4M per
  13. They have to or they look stupid. They could have retained him for 2.5M I'm failing to see what Chandler has to do with Hogan
  14. Good thing the Pats* don't know your secret. Nobody tell them...
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