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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. Is it usually the unknown entities at QB that make playoff runs?
  2. It was right before the half too,I believe, so we got nothing out of it
  3. I can't believe someone hasn't smashed this guys head in yet. Maybe this is the final straw
  4. Crazy. It would have to be Goodwin, listenbee, Darby and Archer. Not to mention Sammy and Tyrod
  5. I don't think there is any way we don't have the fastest team in the league
  6. Wow. At first I was like, wow, another rb? The special teams angle makes sense
  7. I wonder how Kelly would have fared in today's social media culture with everyone having camera/video phones... I think he would've had a little Johnny Football in him, especially in those early years
  8. Hopefully this doesn't apply to our new DB coach...
  9. Good for him. Enjoy that money and your health Beast Mode
  10. I don think Lawson is going anywhere, seemed to be the only guy that really picked up the D last year. I also think that Butler, Robey and Blanton are very safe
  11. How much of THIS exact defense could Scott know?
  12. Featured item on the bills store right now, baby gronk jersey... Cmon
  13. Interesting kid. Looks like a safety size wise but excels around the line of scrimmage. I see a bit of Tony Jefferson
  14. Looks like we found our new UDFA to be obsessed about. I'm interested
  15. He's def an outside guy. If he pans out, maybe he keeps deep coverage from rolling to Sammy
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