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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. To get it right, you have to multiply by the number of draft picks used to get him
  2. Yeah, I was thinking about him. But the most athletically gifted QB that I've seen has to be AVP
  3. Absolutely. We like to use percentages of blame
  4. I'm surprised we haven't seen a "brain damage" defense for a football player yet
  5. Your joking, right? You do see the difference between selling FOOTBALL hats and razor blades? At a FOOTBALL stadium?
  6. Great idea. They should also sell a hat to protect from fans falling from above
  7. I think they are funnier for the teams you don't follow as closely. I'm sure other fan bases will be amused, we're just too close to it
  8. Back to back calls actually. Then Murph, and whoever else was in the studio, started checking their hats for tags. Couldn't find anything though. Amazing radio
  9. I wonder if they're going to get ralph a flat brim?
  10. The signage is not permanent. I sure they will be changing it frequently
  11. Uh Oh. I think someone might be dropping a jerkstore bomb soon
  12. Cut him some slack. He's understandably worked up by the atrocities
  13. I love this fan comment- "We have no hope, yet every year the Buffalo sports media convinces us that THIS is the year we turn the corner." They do?
  14. Don't worry, I'm sure there will be a feature article on BB.com about Kyle walking around the field with him
  15. I think this one is on Rex too. Unfortunately Bowles has yet to undo all the damage that Rex left behind.
  16. And they're calling Reed the pied PIPER. Coincidence?
  17. Can you see Bellicheat have that conversation with his players?
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