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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. God, I'm embarrassed for him in that commercial. I mean it's painful, I can't believe he gets to be this great QB. What a bag
  2. It did seem like he was turning that program around, laid the foundation for those great ravens teams. Was a great 30 for 30 on it.
  3. Last year was a shocker for me but I think Rex gets too much of the blame. Most statistics had us as a middle of the pack defense (not the worst in the league as you would think). Obviously well below expectations, and the previous year. Rex was not the only variable. Major injuries (Kyle & Aaron we're two big ones) without proven depth behind them at the time, an aging malcontent in decline- :"traffic cone," and a complex new system in year one of the install. I think we should have brought in a couple veterans last year to help install (David Harris), our young defensive core just didn't seem to get it (Preston Brown). Looks to me they get in now and we've brought in some great Dline depth and secondary talent. I'm chalking up last year to the learning curve.
  4. I've already seen it. The system is installed, D will be much improved. Gonna be a long year for Cuz.Rex.Sux,
  5. It would be nice if he knew, or cared to know, anything about football. But, if you like tennis, Schoop's your guy
  6. Hmm, that number looks familiar... SWITCH IT UP FOR CHRISTS SAKE!!!
  7. You guys need to up your game. Dogtown best plate around IMO. Nicks is the innovator, but they prob aren't top 5 at this point
  8. I think he could possibly be a an effective specialist. That would never work in Cleveland because of the expectations, but it may work now. This sounds like the type of lottery ticket you normally like Kirby?
  9. How's Shelton doing? I haven't followed too closely but he looks the part
  10. But he'll also get out of that hell hole with 0% chance of injury
  11. This is all Whaleys fault. This never happens with Fred in the RB room!
  12. I know I hope that for him. I'll always support someone trying to make improvements
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