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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. Agreed and well said. RIP Joe
  2. That's a good idea. No one wants to head over to a NRA convention (PPP) to have a "balanced" discussion on gun laws
  3. Yeah, you win alright. Ignorance truly is bliss. And no "discussion" takes place on PPP.
  4. I couldn't disagree more with pretty much anything you've ever said, but yes, your right. I based that comment on what I've read from eye witnesses. Way to early to know the validity.
  5. Hard to argue that. What a !@#$ed up country
  6. If true, things are going to get wild down there
  7. Uh, yes and yes to your first two questions. No, AW is not Watt. What about Dareus and Sammy? And losing Wood is huge. But look at the bubbles! My god
  8. No way, it was an execution
  9. Agreed. Impossible to quantify
  10. They actually do try to account for quality, bubble size
  11. The beginning of the end. Gronk done, Brady a limping around 40 year old. Sit back and enjoy the demise
  12. A completely subjective measurement.
  13. And how would we have accomplished that?
  14. Just retire Gronk, and enjoy all that money
  15. Bob, thanks for all you do on this topic. I often lose energy for it in the face of the continued propaganda onslaught. One day, soon hopefully, we'll be past all this and the war on drugs will be seen for what it was- one of the greatest atrocities in this nations history.
  16. What do you know about seizures in children? Wasting syndrome? You know very little on this topic, yet you continue to "contribute" to the discussion. I would suggest you use your free time to learn rather than talk.
  17. You're not kidding. Very enlightening
  18. I'm hoping it doesn't have anything to do with MD's availability
  19. I don't like the bringing up of a DT...
  20. What's that have to do with its world wide popularity?
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