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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. Which was PI and would have given them the ball at the 1 regardless. You cover Graham by not giving him a clean release
  2. Can't wait to find out who Gruden's grinder is! Has to be Lorax, right?
  3. I'm sure ScottLaw will have an interesting and balanced rebuttal
  4. They are not all making the playoffs. KC still has to play Oak once and Denver twice Oak has to play Denver and KC Denver has KC twice and Oak Plus, SD is no pushover. One Wildcard will come from the West and the other from the East, IMO
  5. Anyone notice how the defense fell apart in this game?
  6. Can't they figure out a way to have the questions be audible?
  7. They only pay the right players and don't pay the wrong ones... Blah, blah, blah. All that matters is Tom Brady
  8. IMO it's terrible for the sport for one position to be so important
  9. How many times can we watch the same thing over and over again?
  10. Looking at the Jags roster on D, I can't believe how bad they are. Has to be coaching
  11. Lorenzo Alexander: "We didn't Execute as a Team" (2:20) You did Lorax, thank you
  12. You need to respond by pushing the envelope the rest of the game. Play to the echo of the whistle
  13. Yep, you can't control what the refs a league does. I want a team that self polices. Just another example of fans caring more than the players do. I can't believe the bills players let Landry anywhere near Williams when he was coming off the field...disgusting.... Hell, someone probably exchanged jerseys with the !@#$ after the game...
  14. Maybe he could have actually had a drive at the end and won the game..
  15. Maybe they can knock out a couple of our players and we'll do nothing about it
  16. Good thing not one TEAMMATE did anything about it. Yeah, let Landry walk up to him as he's leaving the field. kitty team You have a brothers career possibly ended by a dirty shot and that is how you let the rest of the game unfold? I'm embarrassed
  17. Tyrod needed to run more today. A good QB wins the game on that last drive. Miserable game
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