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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. You seriously don't see the economic potential of this industry? It's not just "weed," there are countless peripheral opportunities.
  2. As long as EJ doesn't see the field and set the stadium on fire, we should be ok
  3. Can you think of any other possible benefits of an exploding new industry beyond "taxabilities?" The willful ignorance to those that have profited from this ridiculous prohibition and the war on drugs is disturbing. By all means, keep locking up poor urban kids and sick grandmothers...
  4. Completely agreed. Can't legislate out personal responsibility
  5. Chef Jim, I'd like to hear your take on alcohol prohibition. Do you think alcohol should be legal? Did the end of prohabition not hurt the mob? I know your a California guy, could you imagine no California wine industry?
  6. Unfortunately, those criminals will now be selling heroin which you will be forced to buy and use...
  7. I'm sure they will all switch to heroin, which people will be forced to use... Who knows or cares? Maybe they will get real jobs or join the circus? I can only imagine the amazing discussions back in the day over alcohol prohibition. Chef, could you imagine no California wine industry?
  8. Amazing analysis! "Diversify" into a product that is absolutely flooded with supply and dirt cheap (heroin). Brilliant! Stick to what your good at Crayonz, troll threads
  9. No one knows what it means more than him. It's humorous to see others "educate" him
  10. Interesting. Teach me more about business and how just by producing more of something people have to buy it. Anyone that knows anything about the heroin epidemic knows that supply is not an issue. It is everywhere and dirt cheap.
  11. Agreed. It's always great to see people from other cultures assimilate into the great melting pot!
  12. Good post, thank you. If anything cannabis can actually help in this battle as an alternative to the opiod pain relievers that get so many hooked
  13. Wait, I thought you said the cartels found that these other drugs were way more profitable? So why wouldn't they switch to these other drugs regardless of legality? Man, I just may have to change my stance on legalization. I didn't realize that because of pot legalization, more people will be forced to use heroin! In one sentence you say legalization won't hurt the cartels, now we are taking away their cash cow!
  14. If you're serious, this is going to be a very difficult business to be in. As more growers come on, supply is going to skyrocket and prices are going to continue to fall. People are putting together business plans based on pricing that will not be reality. Better off selling the picks and shovels...
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