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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. Bob, thanks for all you do on this topic. I often lose energy for it in the face of the continued propaganda onslaught. One day, soon hopefully, we'll be past all this and the war on drugs will be seen for what it was- one of the greatest atrocities in this nations history.
  2. What do you know about seizures in children? Wasting syndrome? You know very little on this topic, yet you continue to "contribute" to the discussion. I would suggest you use your free time to learn rather than talk.
  3. I'm hoping it doesn't have anything to do with MD's availability
  4. Odd statement you continue to make considering many, many people are changing their minds on this issue. Evidenced by the growing list of states with passed initiatives I may have worded that poorly. My concern is for the doctors and their patients, not for the efficacy of cannabis for chrons
  5. Yeah, it is really the anti inflammatory effects that are helpful for chrons. Not just the masking of feeling high. Doctors comments on this topic are concerning
  6. Well, apparently, the only reason NOT to call people names to their faces is fear of getting beat up. But since mrags is big and strong it's ok.
  7. I love the beer this time of year. I'm really liking genny's winter warmer and rohrbach's kaceys kristmas ale right now.
  8. Boo hoo. Mrags can walk his entire prison route tree with one leg!
  9. This is an interesting point. Through the DARE program, and other propaganda, cannabis has been grouped in with those other harder drugs you reference above. When someone experiments with pot and find that it's not that bad, they wonder what else have I been lied to about? Maybe this other stuff is not that bad either? Pot should have never been grouped in with the other harder drugs. And again, yes, people can develop a problem with pot. But those same people would develop a problem with something else if pot didn't exist. Unfortunately they are just wired that way.
  10. What a lot of people don't understand is that many with problems in their lives DO turn to alcohol and drugs of all kinds. However, because a troubled soul uses cannabis, that certainly does not mean that the cannabis is the root of the problems. Just because I know someone that has a ****ty life and uses cannabis, it is not intelligent to label cannabis the cause.
  11. I could say a lot of things things, none of which would change your antiquated views so I'll check out
  12. Cannabis not a safer option than opiod pain killers? Your takes are really something
  13. While that is true, anyone with a functioning brain can see the the irony with the league taking a hard stance on a safer alternative than the myriad of dangerous pain killers that are dolled out. Yeah, player safety!
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