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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. Yep, no opposing team would care to know of an opposing stars injury as no one would sink to potentially giving that wrist a little extra business if given the opportunity
  2. Yes, because the only way to win that game was to hope for a missed 40 yard FG as time expired.
  3. By neuter do you mean not take insane unnecessary risks and protect his body when possible?
  4. The defense is not going to lead this team to a championship. If Josh Allen was playing like we know he can everything would be right in the world and we wouldn't be digging in every corner for "what's wrong." Josh is the franchise and we will go as he goes. The only thing that matters is getting him right and it does seem to be some sort of mental issue.
  5. Yes, I agree the fact that he actually made those comments is unusual. That's the weird part, not the take itself which seems evident.
  6. Yes, because we all know the biggest factor for coaching success is entertaining PC's!
  7. I mean it's not that weird, it's what we've all been seeing with Josh. He's just not the same guy right now. The thing that strikes me is McD being so forthcoming with how little he usually says about anything.
  8. I just don't know where I find five wins on the remaining schedule. I mean PHI, KC, DAL, MIA is brutal. @LAC is no pushover, and the two other games I didn't mention (NE and NYJ) already beat us! I just don't see it but would love to be surprised.
  9. I am so done caring about the wow plays. All I want to see are the boring plays that every QB can make, being made consistently.
  10. News is so boring! Let's make it all up! SMH, it's everything that is wrong with the media
  11. She admitted to fabricating sideline reports. And doubled down on it again in another interview.
  12. Wouldn’t be surprised if Logan Wilson injured it. He seems to injure everyone else
  13. Just from reading the synopsis here I don’t think the premise is right. The league has adjusted to the high flying offensive attacks, taking the explosive plays away with two deep looks. I don’t think we can just assume “running it back” would be just as successful. if anything we’re not running enough now
  14. Because he's always exploring new ways to turn it over.
  15. And this doesn't factor in Von's ineffectiveness due to injury. It's a disaster. I'm not Mr. Excuse, but this level of injury- all to the same unit no less- would be tough for anyone to overcome.
  16. Led by... Latavius Murray??? Was Hollywood off shooting a commercial? We know he wasn't busy watching tape.
  17. Except when we use this type of analysis on Gabe, then it's very useful!
  18. And the offensive production has been about the same. The difference is, take away Chris Jones and half the rest of KC's defensive starters and see how they are doing? Unfortunately the injury bug has bit too many of our best players and they all happen to be on the same unit. Extreme bad luck that is nearly impossible to overcome.
  19. It's funny everyone killed Daboll for how he used Josh. All the called QB runs and stuff, can't risk the franchise! I think we all see now that without that dimension Josh is pretty ordinary, or at the very least- wildly inconsistent.
  20. It's amazingly frustrating because he has all the tools, including intelligence. But he seems hell bent on relying on his physical gifts and not putting the work in to win the mental side.
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