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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. The Pitt connection to Whaley makes me think this is the guy
  2. Hookers highlights are beyond ridiculous. AMAZING range and playmaking ability
  3. I watched a bunch of their games, he passes the eye test for me. Looks like a good pro
  4. Yep, it's lining up perfectly for our needs at 10. A plug and play safety or a big WR. So, we will probably reach for a QB...
  5. Yep, it's a shame. We've lost so much that was so hard fought for, all in the name of the professional exemption
  6. Have there ever been two safeties going in the first 9 picks? Good chance we get Hooker or Adams! Feels like we are in a good spot at 10! I also like the WR's. Williams, Davis and Juju. All big bodied guys
  7. Looking good to get an impact player at a position of need at 10! Sign me up for Hooker, Adams, Williams or Davis.
  8. That's where I am as well. I would also add Peppers, Corey Davis and Ramcyzk to the list. I like our shot to get an immediate impact player at a position of need at 10. Looks to be some solid options where we need help.
  9. No, we haven't seen his offense yet. My understanding is that he's a west coast offense guy. My point is that Lynn is going to install his own offense, not bring in a big name OC
  10. The OC is just going to be someone to run Lynn's offense, probably no big name coming
  11. I not so sure how Dareus and company would respond to Marv's poetry
  12. Interesting comments from Lynn's Wiki page- "During Cowboys training camp on August 20th, 2005, Lynn was a victim of a hit-and-run automobile accident.[29] Lynn and Todd Haley, both offensive assistant for Parcells, were out for pizza after the end of training camp in Ventura, Ca.[30] Although Lynn has difficulty remembering all of the details, Haley remembers them all to well. After the hit and run by a drunk driver, Sergio Sandoval, both of Lynn's lungs collapsed and due to shock, suffered from temporary paralysis in his legs. Lynn would then go through four surgeries on his face, knee and shoulder due to the incident. Haley recalls the night of the tragic accident, "The breathing is what I remember, his nasal cavity was open, it was an awful sound. He would stir and not really know where he was or what was going on. I don't think anyone survives that but somebody who built their body for years of running down kickoffs and the things he did as an NFL player. I just don't know who survives that." As a testament to Lynn's perseverance and strength, he was back on the field in a week and a half because he did not want to disappoint his team, the Cowboys. The incident created an immediate long-lasting bond between Lynn and Haley. Haley remarks, "I will always root for Anthony. He was tied up and under contract when I got this job, but he's somebody I'd love to be working with again. Maybe, when he's a head coach."[31]" I'm all in on Lynn, seems like just what we need. Haley for OC?
  13. Another- cannabis makes you a sexed crazed murdurous maniac
  14. People are reading this wrong. He said it wasn't fair to ask Tyrod to do it, after Lynn took over, because it wasn't really part of the offense and wasn't worked on over the offseason. He was saying that the offense was designed to use TT's mobility and work the boundaries, and it wouldn't be fair to change it midseason He brought it up as something he'd like to work with Tyrod on over the offseason. Would require different footwork, reads and etc...
  15. If there is one thing I know about Tyrod, it's that he has all the intangibles you could ever want
  16. What a thread, outrage over outrage! I can't believe all you little snowflakes are so outraged by other peoples outrage! Anyways, I wandered over here hoping to read a little something about Mr. Paladino's comments. Looks like the snowflakes are getting all worked up over a little locker room banter again...
  17. Yep. And if it doesn't work out, at least they gave him the rope he needed to hang himself. Need to find out one way or another
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