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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. Well, to be fair, we never really found a way to get reggie in space.
  2. That would be tough. It's something I think the guys would want to train for and I could see some injury. Would be fun to watch though
  3. No but her prime was amazing. In some of her movies she was absolutely drop dead. I can't see how that can be argued
  4. I think the NFL is starting to get it right on the Pro Bowl. The game is a disaster that I will probably never watch again. Adding the skills stuff is a smart move, something at least relatively interesting. I still probably wont watch it but I bet more people do. I'm sure most of the players appreciate being able to take the families on a little vacation to Disney World as well.
  5. Tate had some moments but overall I'm not a fan
  6. His unit really lost its top three players. Colt, Easily, and Lorax who was diminished due to his role on D. I don't think personnel in ST's is factored in enough, people think you should be able to plug anyone in there I haven't really heard whispers of him being done. I think he'll be back. It's been interesting watching Easely, it's easy to see what you would like in him as a WR. He looks so big a physical out there to me
  7. I think some of the accountability problem is a result of a lack of player leadership. The star players need to set an example and demand the same effort from all
  8. I think we really missed him last year. Very good special teams player
  9. I can only imagine the outrage here if Obama decided to cut off federal funding to NC over the bathroom bill
  10. We should probably kick the tires on Julio too
  11. Interesting that there was no mention of Obama care
  12. A tough theory to prove since it is the only show in town. Once in a while I listen to get some bills news, I am usually disappointed. It would be like having one crappy pizza stop in town. If you have a craving for pizza, it's the only option. He is not Howard Stern. Given another option people would take it
  13. Well, that cements Watson as my QB #1 Doesn't have the Buffalo Barbarian kiss of death!
  14. I missed the details of the offers that we made.. Boy, we are lucky to have so many expert tea leaf readers
  15. I love the judgment from people who have probably never heard of the guy prior to the announcement! This place is something else
  16. Yeah, really. I guess he doesn't mind those long blond Matthews locks...
  17. Yep, and I'm sure it will be reflected in "disastrous" ratings...
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