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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. Ha, wasn't looking good when I posted Great comeback. The three to force OT was nuts
  2. I feel like I watch the same team year after year. Long stretches of stagnant offense and give up a ton of threes. Not really a fun style to watch. They suck . Oh, and consistent god awful rebounding. every year. Frustrating
  3. Listen, I'm going to hope for the best. But I'm not going to engage in whatever strange exercise you're proposing.
  4. I don't believe it. There is no way Melania hasn't been in front of a camera in 12 days. Send out the search parties
  5. Answering honestly I would say that he could possibly help industry and use his business acumen to improve aspects of government. I just can't stand the guy. He's a pompous blowhard, a realty TV star that can act like a petulant child on Twitter. I am embarrassed by having him as pres. I'm open to seeing some growth, the supreme court nomination was a competent choice at least, but this is how I feel now.
  6. Odd to order a covert mission to surprise with supreme court pick
  7. The Don. Regardless of how you feel personally, the GOP will be tied to Trump in the eyes of most. That stink will linger
  8. Um, yes. Really. I fail to see how one website's accusations changes whether or not the travel ban was rolled out properly. It was not and I believe Spicer admitted that much. Criticism is not a meltdown. I certainly don't agree with all protestors but executive orders have consequences. And your side winning so incredibly includes trump. Congratulations being married to that. We'll see how it plays out in 2 and 4 years.
  9. There is a difference between missing a point and making my own. http://www.whec.com/news/rit-researcher-stuck-travel-ban/4386058/ Goes out of the country for a medical conference. Can't come home... Amateur hour
  10. Regardless of any individual specifics, the roll out of the ban was idiotic
  11. Does no one care about the potential threat from grizzlies?!!
  12. I hope the dems make it as difficult as possible. I think he's a fine choice, it's not personal as was said with Garland... And I hope the nuclear option is used. It would be amusing due to the outrage over the dems using it previously. Just more partisan BS
  13. As a dem I have no problem with this appointment. Qualified and respected
  14. And do you believe the "deflator" was named due to his weight loss?
  15. Education secretary nominee that appears to have plagiarized answers submitted to senate committee Also cited threats from "potential grizzles" as a reason for guns in schools... Another gem...
  16. Little known alternate fact- Donald Trump invented the internet
  17. So if you sat the playbook in front of BB he'd say no thanks? right
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