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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/27/nyregion/carl-paladino-michelle-obama.html?_r=0
  2. I am not comparing Tony Romo To Peyton Manning. I think people are forgetting the situation when Peyton was released. It wasn't clear if he had anything left. Just like Tony. That is what I am comparing, the situation. I think this actually has a decent chance of happening. I can see Tony liking the looks of our running game, it could protect him physically. Then you have Sammy and a potential top pick invested in the position. He would use Clay and the Oline isn't that bad. Just have to address the RT position. As far as competition from other teams, I don't see Houston as a factor. I don't think they can do anything with the Brock contract this year, I don't see it happening. The only other team I see as a clear choice over Buffalo is Denver, and their oline is a mess with no real run game.
  3. They've lost ground the last 8 years because they've been in power. The easiest thing in politics is to not be in power, and point out how terrible the other side is doing. That is exactly what is going to happen now, only in a much more spectacular fashion. Thanks Don. Keep tracking those approval ratings.
  4. Are you really comparing this statement to Paladino's
  5. No, I asked what was the difference between the situations.
  6. I don't see how the Texans are in play with the Brock contract
  7. I think if you compare our offensive talent to the other possibilities, we look pretty good. I'm sure he would prefer a strong run game to keep him healthy...
  8. What is different about picking up Romo vs Peyton?
  9. Sign a top RT in free agency. Then take Davis or Williams at 10 to go with Sammy. Would be interesting...
  10. Nothing screams a return to normalcy like president trump
  11. I'm sure, if you try, you can find some differences between the two.
  12. I didn't realize America leading by example materialized in the last 14 days I think that was Confucius
  13. Labeling these people the left is like labeling neo Nazis as the right
  14. No, because Obama or something
  15. It is pretty simple. Any idiot can say any stupid thing they want. Fine. Other people have the right to respond by calling said idiot an idiot or protesting or whatever. If said protesters go too far, like the idiots in Berkely, they too have to face the consequences for their actions.
  16. When the !@#$ did I ever mention Obama? You guys are losing it
  17. Feel free to pivot everything back to the left. I'm simply stating that I would prefer my president not have a constant flow of nonsense coming from his mouth/twitter feed. Ok, now you can reply with- but, but, Obama. Ha, ha, meltdown...
  18. No we don't. This self importance nonsense is one of the reasons we are so disliked
  19. The destructive, violent protests are stupid. That said, Milo is scum. Spewing hate in the name of free speech has consequences.
  20. Good to know you think he's going to follow through on every stupid thing that comes out of his mouth. You should probably hold your breath
  21. Refreshing is an interesting way to put it... I prefer the speak softly carry a big stick approach, not the constantly run your stupid mouth approach. But that's just me
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