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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. Do you see those other guys winning a superbowl? And Flacco didn't just go along for the ride, he pretty much carried that team to the title. I do tend to rely on my eyes more than stats though, I like some of his talents Yeah, I equate Jim 's douchyness to more of a Rivers type. He was still a leader of men, I'm not sure about Cousins.
  2. Shady was mismanaged in 2015. He never should have played at the beginning of the year with that hamstring, and the only way you could say it was "pretty crappy" would be by comparing it to the McCoy standard.
  3. Dude, you're flailing, let it go. We all get things wrong. Shady is an elite back and borderline HOFer. Beyond stats, my eyes tell me this. He's just a rare, rare talent that I think can age well because he doesn't seem to take many big hits and doesn't just pound into the line. I'm sure you also realize it's much easier to rip off some runs when you're the change of pace guy coming in against a tired D. How did Karlos and Mike fair in the games shady missed? You're choosing an odd topic to make a stand on.
  4. I like cousins but have questions about his personality and leadership
  5. No way, did you see his tolerance?
  6. Was this the guy Rex said was running the Defense after being here for like one day?
  7. Can't be getting much for a guy everyone knows they are going to cut
  8. We have Sammy, Clay and Shady currently and a strong possibility to add a top WR talent at 10. Plenty of weapons IMO
  9. I guess it's possible, but don't they have other cap issues beyond Brock? On the defense?
  10. Wasn't on my radar. Thought he was a Rex guy and wouldn't be back
  11. It wasn't as great even last year. They lost a couple key pieces, a top LB and DT
  12. Plus no semblance of a running game. I'm just not seeing how Buffalo wouldn't be considered a top option
  13. I would go with Cardale and a rookie drafted as early as round 2. At 10, if we get Romo, I am drafting Davis/Williams. Best RT I can afford in FA and we are ready to roll. Also would need to figure something out at safety
  14. I just don't think Houston is in the market with the Brock contract.
  15. Fair point. Bottom line is I'd rather use that money to get Romo more protection or weapons or defensive pieces to maximize opportunities in his very limited window.
  16. Who are all these other teams that can win championships and divisions that need a QB?
  17. No chance. If you get romo you go into win now mode and use that money elsewhere. If romo goes down you go into tank mode
  18. Has he ever played RT? I haven't followed him that close
  19. That would be true if there was an abundance of other options. Show me a franchise guy that becomes available without having risks/question marks. Like I said, it is basically a lotto ticket That is a great point. Can he adapt? maybe. He does run an absolutely beautiful play action fake.
  20. To me it's a calculated risk. Maybe you catch lightning in a bottle and he stays healthy for a year? If not what is the worst that can happen? We suck like always?
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