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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. Maybe Reggie can be the anti-LoRax and transition to the Oline? Reggie is a football player. Can't wait to bump this thread
  2. If this thread turns out true, Scott better make sure he has enough bandwidth to accommodate #Badol's upcoming sunglasses emoji bender.
  3. The only thing dumber than getting rid of shady would be trading Watkins. Why would a rebuild involve getting rid of your most talented player who is 23 years old? Yeah, let's trade Watkins coming off foot surgery so we can get the least amount of value possible... After what Doug gave up to get him, there is no way that we trade him without moving on from Whaley.
  4. This would be insane. I don't buy it, at all If we have an OC that would prefer Gillisee over Shady... we have big, big problems.
  5. Yeah, most big guys have a hard time getting in and out of breaks. Even Tampa has that guy in humphries
  6. I'm right with you. This is my guy, hope he falls to 10
  7. Yep. It became abundantly clear, though, that he completely lacked vision or any type of feel for the position.
  8. My favorite CJ game of all time was the home opener against the chiefs. He was completely unstoppable that game
  9. Such a small window though. For a year or two he was among the best I have ever seen. Absolutely freakish short area quickness and burst. Seemed like he was full speed in two steps, a missle.
  10. Cook to Broncos at 20 would be criminal. 25 to Texans has to be Mahomes floor, right?
  11. Allen smells like a faller to me. Doesn't really pop on tape. I don't think he is special at anything in particular, just solid. Don't think he will test great either.
  12. Adams is a pipe dream, IMO. Would love it though. Nice job!
  13. I remember what a bonus this was going to be for Rex! A players coach that everybody loved!
  14. Don't agree. Carr got ruined and was seeing ghosts the rest of his career
  15. Yep. Maybe if the Texans had a bridge "QB", they don't ruin Carr
  16. Sure, there was some of that. There were also times where he miraculously got out of unblocked pressure. Olineman can be graded out separately from the QB play. We have some that are better at run blocking than pass protection.
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