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Andrew Son

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Everything posted by Andrew Son

  1. Not if they want the draft pick. Plain and simple
  2. If they believe he's the guy, go get him. It's that simple
  3. I think Reddick is perfect for what McDermott want to do. The theme for this defense appears to be versatility
  4. Yeah, it could be nothing. I was taking it as an intentional leak.
  5. I'm curious as to the angle for releasing this statement? Is this supposed to be motivating?
  6. I have no problem with that statement, although I find it hard to picture myself in such a situation. We don't know much about this particular situation, but, in your mind, would it have been OK for him to shoot her? I'm sure it is safe to assume that she approached him in an aggressive, threatening manner prior to the assault? He could have been scared, right?
  7. Or, shooting her if she looks at you in a menacing manner.
  8. No chance of that, thanks to your contributions
  9. RIP, Tom. Stick to Pats* history, WEO. Tom was never Bills GM
  10. Really? You don't think he's as good as Junior? Thanks for giving us that insight, most of us thought that this guy would be a HOFer...
  11. Good idea, but why waste all those great ideas in one thread? We need a separate thread for each
  12. No doubt about that. I can see him twitching every time Shady breaks off a run. He has now steered his argument to cover all possible outcomes, saying that he knew Shady could be effective if he made the necessary changes to his game. Blah, blah, blah... Shady has been worth every penny of that reworked contract. Gilly or Karlos could not hold his jock as Badol had suggested. We all get things wrong. Just take your medicine, admit you were wrong and move on.
  13. Are you saying that Kelly will get a pass because he's white? That's ridiculous, the kid might not even get drafted and has been kicked out of multiple programs. Doesn't really look like special treatment to me
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